DRMGetEnvironmentInfo function (msdrm.h)

[The AD RMS SDK leveraging functionality exposed by

the client in Msdrm.dll is available for use in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8. It may be altered or

unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use Active Directory Rights Management Services SDK 2.1,

which leverages functionality exposed by the client in Msipc.dll.]

[The DRMGetEnvironmentInfo function is no longer supported and returns S_OK. Instead, use the DRMGetInfo function.]

The DRMGetEnvironmentInfo function returns information about a secure environment.


  [in]      DRMENVHANDLE    handle,
  [in]      PWSTR           wszAttribute,
  [out]     DRMENCODINGTYPE *peEncoding,
  [in, out] UINT            *pcBuffer,
  [out]     BYTE            *pbBuffer


[in] handle

Environment handle.

[in] wszAttribute

The attribute to query for. In Rights Management Services client 1.0 SP1, the only supported attribute is g_wszQUERY_BLOCKSIZE. In Rights Management Services client 1.0, the attributes that can be queried are listed in the header file Msdrmgetinfo.h. Attributes include g_wszQUERY_MANIFESTSOURCE and g_wszQUERY_APIVERSION.

[out] peEncoding

Encoding type used.

[in, out] pcBuffer

A pointer to a UINT value that, on input, contains the size of the buffer pointed to by the pbBuffer parameter. The size of the buffer is expressed as the number of Unicode characters, including the terminating null character. On output, the value contains the number of characters copied to the buffer. The number copied includes the terminating null character.

[out] pbBuffer

A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that receives the value associated with the attribute specified by the wszAttribute parameter. The size of this buffer is specified by the pcBuffer parameter. The size is expressed as the number of Unicode characters, including the terminating null character.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the function returns S_OK.

If the function fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


This function returns information only about environment handles. For information about other handles, see DRMGetInfo.

Memory allocation and deallocation are handled by the caller.To create a buffer and retrieve environment information, perform the following steps:

  1. Call DRMGetEnvironmentInfo with pbBuffer equal to NULL. The function returns the required number of Unicode characters, including the terminating NULL character, in the pcBuffer parameter.
  2. Allocate memory for the buffer. Remember that a Unicode character is two bytes long.
  3. Call DRMGetEnvironmentInfo again with pbBuffer equal to the pointer you created when allocating the buffer.
  4. When you have finished using the memory, free it.

In Rights Management Services client 1.0 SP1, the only supported attribute is g_wszQUERY_BLOCKSIZE. For the attributes that can be queried in Rights Management Services client 1.0, see the Msdrmgetinfo.h header file that installs with this SDK.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header msdrm.h
Library Msdrm.lib
DLL Msdrm.dll

See also

AD RMS Functions
