ClusterEncrypt function (resapi.h)

Encrypts Checkpointing data for a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP).


DWORD ClusterEncrypt(
  [in]  HCLUSCRYPTPROVIDER hClusCryptProvider,
  [in]  PBYTE              pData,
  [in]  DWORD              cbData,
  [out] PBYTE              *ppData,
  [out] PDWORD             pcbData


[in] hClusCryptProvider

A HCLUSCRYPTPROVIDER structure that contains a handle to the CSP.

[in] pData

A pointer to the data to encrypt.

[in] cbData

The total number of bytes in the data pointed to by the pDta parameter.

[out] ppData

A pointer to a buffer that receives the encrypted data.

[out] pcbData

The total number of bytes in the data pointed to by the pcbData parameter.

Return value

If the operation completes successfully, this function returns ERROR_SUCCESS; otherwise, it returns a system error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header resapi.h
Library ResUtils.lib
DLL ResUtils.dll

See also

Cryptography Functions