IOfflineFilesCache::Synchronize method (cscobj.h)

Synchronizes files and directories in the Offline Files cache with their corresponding copies in the applicable network shared folders.


HRESULT Synchronize(
  [in] HWND                             hwndParent,
  [in] LPCWSTR                          *rgpszPaths,
  [in] ULONG                            cPaths,
  [in] BOOL                             bAsync,
  [in] DWORD                            dwSyncControl,
  [in] IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler *pISyncConflictHandler,
  [in] IOfflineFilesSyncProgress        *pIProgress,
  [in] GUID                             *pSyncId


[in] hwndParent

Identifies the parent window for any user interface elements displayed. This parameter is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is not set in the dwSyncControl parameter.

[in] rgpszPaths

Array of pointers, each to a fully qualified UNC path of a file or directory to be synchronized.

[in] cPaths

Number of paths in the rgpszPaths array.

[in] bAsync

Indicates if the operation is to be performed asynchronously. If this parameter is TRUE, the operation is placed on a separate thread in the system thread pool and the function returns immediately. If this parameter is FALSE, the function returns when the operation is complete.

[in] dwSyncControl

Flags to control the behavior of the entire sync operation. Behaviors such as sync direction (in, out), the pinning of LNK targets, as well as the pinning of new files are controlled through these flags. The following list describes the meaning of each flag.


Fill sparse files in the cache. Setting this flag results in an enumeration of the local copies in the cache. Any sparsely cached files that are found are filled so that they are no longer sparse. Sparsely cached files are not available for offline use. For more information, see the IOfflineFilesFileItem::IsSparse method.


Sync remote changes from the server to the local cache. Setting this flag automatically sets the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_FILLSPARSE flag as well.


Sync local changes from the local cache to the server.


Pin new files found on the server inside pinned directories. This flag is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_SYNCIN flag is not set.


Applicable only if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINNEWFILES flag is set. Normally, when a shell link (type LNK) is pinned, its target is not automatically pinned. When this flag is set, pinning a LNK file automatically pins its target if the target is a file. If the target is a directory, the target is never pinned automatically.


Applicable only if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINNEWFILES flag is set. Pins the items for the calling user. This is the flag typically set for a caller of this function. It is important to note that Offline Files does not support a true per-user notion of pinning. When an item is pinned for a user, it is pinned for all users of that machine. However, the ability to access that pinned file depends on the user's access rights to that file computed while online.


Applicable only if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINNEWFILES flag is set. Pins the items for per-user policy. This differs from the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINFORUSER flag in that this flag cannot be modified by the user through the Offline Files user interface. Internally, Offline Files sets this flag when items are pinned by its Group Policy extension.


Applicable only if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINNEWFILES flag is set. Pins the items for all users of the local machine. While the pinned state applies to all users, the ability to access a pinned file depends on the user's access rights to that file computed while online.


Applicable only if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_PINNEWFILES flag is set. Pins the items for purposes of folder redirection for the calling user. Windows Folder Redirection sets this flag when pinning redirected folders.


This flag is reserved for future use.


Progress is reported to the progress interface asynchronously with the actual operations. For more information about behavior, see the "Asynchronous Progress Notifications" section. If this flag is not set, progress is reported synchronously with each operation.


Set this flag if the operation is allowed to display user interface elements as necessary. An example is the system's credential-request dialog. If this flag is set, the value in hwndParent is used as the parent for any user interface elements displayed.


This flag is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is not set. If the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is set, this flag indicates that any UI produced should be directed to the console window associated with the process invoking the operation.


Set this flag if you want the sync operation to not sync suspended directory trees. It is recommended that this flag is set when the sync operation has not been invoked interactively and intentionally by a user.


Set this flag if you want the sync operation to avoid sharing violations in the event that an application wishes to open a file that is currently open for the sync operation. When that scenario occurs and this flag is set, the sync operation will "back off" and not finish for that particular file at that time. This flag is primarily used by the Offline Files service for internal operations.


This flag is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_SYNCOUT flag is not set. If the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAG_SYNCOUT flag is set, this flag indicates that new files that exist only on the client will not be created on the server.

If, rather than providing an implementation of IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler, you want all sync conflicts to be resolved in a "keep local", "keep remote" or "keep latest" manner, set one (and only one) of the following flag values. Note that these flag values are ignored if the pISyncConflictHandler parameter is not NULL.


Synchronize the local copy to the server.


Synchronize the remote copy to the local cache.


Keep the copy with the latest last-change time. This resolution is sometimes called "last writer wins."

[in] pISyncConflictHandler

An IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler interface pointer to a conflict handler implementation. If provided, the sync operation calls the conflict handler to resolve sync conflicts as they are encountered during the operation. The handler receives a code describing the type of conflict then returns a code indicating if the conflict has been resolved or some other action to be taken by the sync operation. This parameter is optional and can be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, the default action is taken in the Offline Files service. Normally this results in the conflict being recorded in the user's sync conflict store for later presentation in Sync Center.

[in] pIProgress

Interface to an event sink that will receive progress events during the operation. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

[in] pSyncId

A unique ID applied to this sync operation. This ID will be included with all published events (IOfflineFilesEvents) related to this operation. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.

Returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) if the operation is canceled.

Monitor IOfflineFilesSyncProgress events to detect failures associated with individual files.


If the bAsync parameter is TRUE, the caller is required to provide an event interface through the pIProgress parameter. The Synchronize method will increment the reference count on the event interface at the start of the operation and decrement the reference count when the operation has completed. It is therefore recommended that the event sink implementation increment the reference count of its hosting module so that the module remains in memory throughout the operation.

If a sync operation is canceled while in progress, files that have been synchronized up to that point remain synchronized.

If only one path is provided in the rgpszPaths parameter and that path is to a single file, the return value indicates the result of that single synchronization operation. Otherwise, the caller must implement the progress callback methods in the following list and monitor the IOfflineFilesSyncProgress::SyncItemResult method to obtain the result for each processed file and directory.

Progress Events Interface Method Description
IOfflineFilesProgress Begin Called at the start of the operation.
IOfflineFilesSyncProgress SyncItemBegin Called at the start of processing for each file.
IOfflineFilesSyncProgress SyncItemResult Called after each file is synchronized.
IOfflineFilesProgress QueryAbort Called periodically during the sync operation to detect a request for cancellation.
IOfflineFilesProgress End Called at the end of the operation.

If the calling code also listens for published sync events, the Sync ID may be specified through the pSyncId parameter. The same ID value is transmitted through the SyncBegin, SyncFileResult, and SyncEnd published events (IOfflineFilesEvents) generated from this operation.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also



