DhcpV4FailoverEnumRelationship function (dhcpsapi.h)

The DhcpV4FailoverEnumRelationship function enumerates all failover relationships present on the server.


DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpV4FailoverEnumRelationship(
  [in, optional] LPWSTR                             ServerIpAddress,
  [in, out]      DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE                 *ResumeHandle,
  [in]           DWORD                              PreferredMaximum,
  [out]          LPDHCP_FAILOVER_RELATIONSHIP_ARRAY *pRelationship,
  [out]          LPDWORD                            RelationshipRead,
  [out]          LPDWORD                            RelationshipTotal


[in, optional] ServerIpAddress

Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the IP address or hostname of the DHCP server.

[in, out] ResumeHandle

Pointer to a DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE structure that identifies this enumeration for use in subsequent calls to this function.

Initially, this value should be zero on input. If successful, the returned value should be used for subsequent enumeration requests. For example, if PreferredMaximum is set to 100, and 200 reservation elements are configured on the server, the resume handle can be used after the first 100 policies are retrieved to obtain the next 100 on a subsequent call.

[in] PreferredMaximum

The maximum number of failover relationship elements to return in pRelationship. If PreferredMaximum is greater than the number of remaining non-enumerated policies on the server, the remaining number of non-enumerated policies is returned.

[out] pRelationship

Pointer to a DHCP_FAILOVER_RELATIONSHIP_ARRAY structure that contains an array of the failover relationships available on the DHCP server. If no relationships are configured, this value is NULL.

[out] RelationshipRead

Pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of failover relationship elements returned in pRelationship.

[out] RelationshipTotal

Pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of failover relationships configured on the DHCP server that have not yet been enumerated.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, it returns one of the following. or an error code from DHCP Server Management API Error Codes

Value Meaning
One or more of the parameters were invalid.
There are more elements available to enumerate.
There are no more elements left to enumerate.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dhcpsapi.h
Library Dhcpsapi.lib
DLL Dhcpsapi.dll

See also



