DhcpV6GetStatelessStoreParams function (dhcpsapi.h)

The DhcpV6GetStatelessStoreParams function retrieves the current DHCPv6 stateless client inventory configuration settings at the server or scope level.


DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpV6GetStatelessStoreParams(
  [in, optional] LPWSTR                    ServerIpAddress,
  [in]           BOOL                      fServerLevel,
  [in]           DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS         SubnetAddress,
  [out]          LPDHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAMS *Params


[in, optional] ServerIpAddress

Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the IP address or hostname of the DHCP server.

[in] fServerLevel

If TRUE the stateless client inventory configuration settings at server level are retrieved. Otherwise, the scope level configuration settings are retrieved.

[in] SubnetAddress

A DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS structure that contains the IPv6 subnet address of the stateless client inventory configuration settings to be retrieved. If the value of fServerLevel is TRUE, this must be 0.

[out] Params

Pointer to a DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAMS structure that contains the stateless client inventory configuration settings for a DHCPv6 server.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, it returns one of the following or an error code from DHCP Server Management API Error Codes.

Value Meaning
One or more of the parameters were invalid.
IPv6 subnet does not exist on the DHCPv6 server.


Params should be free using DhcpRpcFreeMemory.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dhcpsapi.h
Library Dhcpsapi.lib
DLL Dhcpsapi.dll

See also

