EapPeerQueryCredentialInputFields function (eapmethodpeerapis.h)

Defines the implementation of an EAP method-specific function that obtains the EAP Single-Sign-On (SSO) credential input fields for an EAP method.


DWORD EapPeerQueryCredentialInputFields(
  [in]  HANDLE                       hUserImpersonationToken,
  [in]  EAP_METHOD_TYPE              eapMethodType,
  [in]  DWORD                        dwFlags,
  [in]  DWORD                        dwEapConnDataSize,
  [in]  BYTE                         *pbEapConnData,
  [out] EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_ARRAY *pEapConfigFieldsArray,
  [out] EAP_ERROR                    **ppEapError


[in] hUserImpersonationToken

An impersonation token for the user whose credentials are to be requested and obtained.

[in] eapMethodType

An EAP_METHOD_TYPE structure that contains vendor and author information about the EAP method used for authenticating the connection.

[in] dwFlags

A combination of EAP flags that describe the EAP authentication session behavior.

[in] dwEapConnDataSize

The size of the EAP SSO configuration byte data pointed to by pbEapConnData, in bytes.

[in] pbEapConnData

A Pointer to an opaque byte buffer that contains the EAP configuration data BLOB.

[out] pEapConfigFieldsArray

A Pointer to an EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_ARRAY structure that contains the input fields to display to the supplicant user. The pwszData fields in the individual EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_DATA elements are initialized to NULL.

[out] ppEapError

A pointer to the address of an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised during the execution of this function call. After consuming the error data, this memory must be freed by passing a pointer to the error data to EapPeerFreeErrorMemory.

Return value



EapPeerQueryCredentialInputFields supports SSO. This peer method function, like EapPeerQueryUserBlobFromCredentialInputFields, is used only in an SSO scenario.

The EAP method-specific implementation of this function is called by EAPHost whenever a supplicant application calls EapHostPeerQueryCredentialInputFields. The implementer of this function is responsible for ensuring that the EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_ARRAY returned by this function contains input field definitions for each piece of credential data the EAP methods will request from the supplicant user.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eapmethodpeerapis.h

See also