EapHostPeerFreeEapError function (eappapis.h)

Frees EAP_ERROR structures returned by EAPHost run-time APIs.

In contrast, the EapHostPeerFreeErrorMemory function is used only for freeing EAP_ERROR structures returned by EAPHost configuration APIs.

If any of the following run-time APIs are called and an EAP_ERROR is returned, EapHostPeerFreeEapError must be called to free the memory:

Note  EAPHost run-time APIs are defined in eappapis.h. EAPHost configuration APIs are defined in EapHostPeerConfigApis.h.


void EapHostPeerFreeEapError(
  [in] EAP_ERROR *pEapError


[in] pEapError

A pointer to an EAP_ERROR structure that contains the error data to free.

Return value



To release all memory allocated by EAPHost for a authentication session, the caller must call EapHostPeerEndSession. To release all memory allocated by EAPHost for a connection, the caller must call the EapHostPeerClearConnection function.

EapHostPeerFreeEapError is not thread safe. Any given EAP_ERROR must be freed on one thread only. Do not call EapHostPeerFreeEapError twice on the same EAP_ERROR structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eappapis.h
Library Eappprxy.lib
DLL Eappprxy.dll

See also

EAPHost Supplicant Configuration Functions

EAPHost Supplicant Frequently Asked Questions
