IFaxDoc interface (faxcom.h)

The IFaxDoc dual interface is used by a fax client application to transmit fax documents and cover pages. The interface retrieves and sets information about FaxDoc objects. Information includes the name of the file to transmit, the fax number to which the fax server should send the fax, cover page settings, and other optional fax recipient and sender information.


The IFaxDoc interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFaxDoc also has these types of members:


The IFaxDoc interface has these methods.


Sets or retrieves the BillingCode property of a FaxDoc object. The BillingCode property is a null-terminated string that contains an optional billing code that applies to the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageName property for a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the cover page template file (.cov) associated with the object. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageNote property of a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageNote property is a null-terminated string that contains the text of a message or note from the sender that pertains to the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageSubject property of a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageSubject property is a null-terminated string that contains the subject line of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the DiscountSend property for a FaxDoc object. The DiscountSend property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax server transmits faxes during the discount period. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the DisplayName property of a FaxDoc object. The DisplayName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name to associate with the fax document. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the EmailAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The EmailAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the email address of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the FaxNumber property of a FaxDoc object. The FaxNumber property is a null-terminated string that contains the fax number to which the fax server will send the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the FileName property for a FaxDoc object. The FileName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the document file associated with the object. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the street address of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCity property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCity property is a null-terminated string that contains the city name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCompany property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCompany property is a null-terminated string that contains the company name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCountry property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCountry property is a null-terminated string that contains the country/region of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientDepartment property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientDepartment property is a null-terminated string that contains the department of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientHomePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientHomePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the home telephone number of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientName property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientOffice property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientOffice property is a null-terminated string that contains the office of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientOfficePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientOfficePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the office telephone number of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientState property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientState property is a null-terminated string that contains the state of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientTitle property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientTitle property is a null-terminated string that contains the title of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientZip property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientZip property is a null-terminated string that contains the ZIP code of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SendCoverpage property for a FaxDoc object. The SendCoverpage property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified cover page file is stored on the fax server. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the street address of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderCompany property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderCompany property is a null-terminated string that contains the company name of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderDepartment property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderDepartment property is a null-terminated string that contains the department of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderFax property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderFax property is a null-terminated string that contains the fax number of the sender of the outbound fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderHomePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderHomePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the home telephone number of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderName property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderOffice property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderOffice property is a null-terminated string that contains the office of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderOfficePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderOfficePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the office telephone number of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the SenderTitle property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderTitle property is a null-terminated string that contains the title of the sender of the fax transmission. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the ServerCoverpage property for a FaxDoc object. The ServerCoverpage property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified cover page file is stored on the fax server. (Get)

Sets or retrieves the Tsid property of a FaxDoc object. The Tsid property is a null-terminated string that contains a user-defined transmitting station identifier (TSID). (Get)

Sets or retrieves the BillingCode property of a FaxDoc object. The BillingCode property is a null-terminated string that contains an optional billing code that applies to the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageName property for a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the cover page template file (.cov) associated with the object. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageNote property of a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageNote property is a null-terminated string that contains the text of a message or note from the sender that pertains to the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the CoverpageSubject property of a FaxDoc object. The CoverpageSubject property is a null-terminated string that contains the subject line of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the DiscountSend property for a FaxDoc object. The DiscountSend property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax server transmits faxes during the discount period. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the DisplayName property of a FaxDoc object. The DisplayName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name to associate with the fax document. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the EmailAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The EmailAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the email address of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the FaxNumber property of a FaxDoc object. The FaxNumber property is a null-terminated string that contains the fax number to which the fax server will send the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the FileName property for a FaxDoc object. The FileName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the document file associated with the object. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the street address of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCity property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCity property is a null-terminated string that contains the city name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCompany property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCompany property is a null-terminated string that contains the company name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientCountry property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientCountry property is a null-terminated string that contains the country/region of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientDepartment property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientDepartment property is a null-terminated string that contains the department of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientHomePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientHomePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the home telephone number of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientName property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientOffice property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientOffice property is a null-terminated string that contains the office of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientOfficePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientOfficePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the office telephone number of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientState property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientState property is a null-terminated string that contains the state of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientTitle property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientTitle property is a null-terminated string that contains the title of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the RecipientZip property of a FaxDoc object. The RecipientZip property is a null-terminated string that contains the ZIP code of the recipient of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SendCoverpage property for a FaxDoc object. The SendCoverpage property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified cover page file is stored on the fax server. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderAddress property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderAddress property is a null-terminated string that contains the street address of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderCompany property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderCompany property is a null-terminated string that contains the company name of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderDepartment property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderDepartment property is a null-terminated string that contains the department of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderFax property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderFax property is a null-terminated string that contains the fax number of the sender of the outbound fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderHomePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderHomePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the home telephone number of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderName property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderOffice property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderOffice property is a null-terminated string that contains the office of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderOfficePhone property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderOfficePhone property is a null-terminated string that contains the office telephone number of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the SenderTitle property of a FaxDoc object. The SenderTitle property is a null-terminated string that contains the title of the sender of the fax transmission. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the ServerCoverpage property for a FaxDoc object. The ServerCoverpage property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified cover page file is stored on the fax server. (Put)

Sets or retrieves the Tsid property of a FaxDoc object. The Tsid property is a null-terminated string that contains a user-defined transmitting station identifier (TSID). (Put)

The Send method transmits the document specified by the FileName property of a FaxDoc object. The method can send the fax to the fax number specified by the FaxNumber property.


The IFaxDoc interface includes the following methods:

  • A method to send a fax document.
  • Property methods to set and retrieve individual property values associated with a FaxDoc object.

When to Implement

You should not implement this interface. The Microsoft standard implementation provides complete functionality.

When to Use

Use the IFaxDoc interface to send a fax document. You can also use the IFaxDoc interface to retrieve and set the properties of a FaxDoc object.

A client application should not call the CoCreateInstance function to retrieve an IFaxDoc interface pointer. Instead, the application must perform the following steps to create an instance of a FaxDoc object:

  1. Call the CoCreateInstance function to retrieve a pointer to an IFaxServer interface.
  2. Call the IFaxServer::Connect method to connect to an active fax server.
  3. Call the IFaxServer::CreateDocument method to create and initialize a FaxDoc object for the connected fax server. (After calling the IFaxServer::CreateDocument method, you can also call the IUnknown::QueryInterface method to retrieve an IFaxDoc interface pointer.)
  4. Use the IDispatch interface pointer to call IFaxDoc interface methods.
  5. Call the IFaxServer::Disconnect method to disconnect from the fax server.
  6. Call the IUnknown::Release method to destroy the IFaxDoc interface pointer, and the parent IFaxServer interface pointer.
The property methods of the IFaxDoc interface get or set the properties described following. If the property supports read access, the IFaxDoc interface includes a get_PropertyName method. If the property supports write access, the interface includes a put_PropertyName method.

Values are not required for optional properties that appear only on the cover page. The FileName property is required to send a fax transmission using a call to the IFaxDoc::Send method. The FaxNumber property is also required.

The fax server can supply data from the registry for many properties that begin with Sender. The fax server supplies values if they have been entered under the User Information tab accessed through the Fax icon in Control Panel.

Following are the properties associated with a FaxDoc object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcom.h

See also

Fax Service Client API Interfaces

Fax Service Client API for Windows 2000
