IFaxDevices interface (faxcomex.h)

The IFaxDevices interface defines a collection used by a fax client application to manage fax devices, where each device is represented by a FaxDevice object.


The IFaxDevices interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFaxDevices also has these types of members:


The IFaxDevices interface has these methods.


The IFaxDevices::get__NewEnum method returns a reference to an enumerator object that you can use to iterate through the FaxDevices collection.

The IFaxDevices::get_Count property represents the number of objects in the FaxDevices collection. This is the total number of devices used by the fax server.

The IFaxDevices::get_Item method returns a FaxDevice object from the FaxDevices collection, using its index.

The IFaxDevices::get_ItemById method returns a FaxDevice object from the FaxDevices collection, using its device ID.


A default implementation of IFaxDevices is provided as the FaxDevices object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcomex.h