ISimilarityTraitsTable::CreateTable method (msrdc.h)

Creates or opens a similarity traits table.


HRESULT CreateTable(
  [in]  wchar_t          *path,
  [in]  BOOL             truncate,
  [in]  BYTE             *securityDescriptor,
  [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew


[in] path

A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file that will contain the similarity traits table. The alternate stream name ":Traits" will be appended to the end of this file name. For more information, see Naming a File.

[in] truncate

TRUE if a new similarity traits table should always be created or truncated. If FALSE is specified and the table exists and is valid, it may be used; otherwise, if the table is not valid or does not exist, the existing table is overwritten.

[in] securityDescriptor

A pointer to a security descriptor to use when opening the file. If this parameter is NULL, the file is assigned a default security descriptor. The access control lists (ACL) in the file's default security descriptor are inherited from the file's parent directory. For more information, see the lpSecurityAttributes parameter of the CreateFile function.

[out] isNew

A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the similarity traits table. If a new table is created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If an existing table is used, this variable receives RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If an existing similarity traits table is being opened, the table must be valid. Otherwise, the existing table is overwritten, even if FALSE is specified for the truncate parameter.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header msrdc.h
DLL MsRdc.dll

See also
