ITraceDataProvider::get_Level method (pla.h)

Retrieves the level of information used to enable the provider.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_Level(
  IValueMap **ppLevel



Return value



The ppLevel parameter is a provider-defined value that specifies the level of information that the event generates. For example, you can use this value to indicate the severity level of the events (informational, warning, error) that you want the provider to generate.

You use the IValueMap interface to retrieve or set the level value. The IValueMap::Value property contains the level value.

You can also use the IValueMap::Add method to add one or more level values. You need to use the IValueMapItem interface only when you want to name the level, or you want to enable or disable levels without having to add or remove them. Only one level can be enabled.

The IValueMapItem::Key property contains the string representation of the level, for example, Information. The IValueMapItem::Value property contains the level value. The IValueMapItem::Enabled property indicates whether the level is enabled.

If you use IValueMap::Value to set the level and the value map collection contains one or more items, PLA searches the collection for a matching value and enables it and disables the others. If the value does not exist in the list, PLA adds the level (the item is not named).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header pla.h
DLL Pla.dll

See also
