RasEapInvokeConfigUI function (raseapif.h)

The RAS connection manager calls the RasEapInvokeConfigUI function to display a dialog to obtain configuration information from the user. RAS calls RasEapInvokeConfigUI when a new phone-book entry is created or an existing phone-book entry is edited, provided that the authentication protocol for the entry provides a configuration user interface.


DWORD RasEapInvokeConfigUI(
  [in]  DWORD dwEapTypeId,
  [in]  HWND  hwndParent,
  [in]  DWORD dwFlags,
  [in]  BYTE  *pConnectionDataIn,
  [in]  DWORD dwSizeOfConnectionDataIn,
  [out] BYTE  **ppConnectionDataOut,
  [out] DWORD *pdwSizeOfConnectionDataOut


[in] dwEapTypeId

Specifies the authentication protocol for which to invoke the configuration UI.

[in] hwndParent

Handle to the parent window for the UI dialog.

[in] dwFlags

Specifies zero or more of the following flags that qualify the authentication process.

Flag Meaning
Specifies that the computer that is dialing in is a router. The absence of this flag indicates that the computer dialing in is a RAS client.
Specifies that this session is executing in a wireless context.
Specified if the client wants guest access. This flag is normally used in the case of a wireless connection such that if the authentication fails for N number of consecutive tries the wireless client, if configured to request guest access, then does so by passing this flag. The RADIUS server should be setup to permit guest access.

[in] pConnectionDataIn

Pointer to the connection data currently stored in the phone-book entry. If the phone-book entry does not contain any data, this parameter is NULL.

[in] dwSizeOfConnectionDataIn

Specifies the size of the connection data currently stored in the phone-book entry. If the phone-book entry for this connection does not contain any data, this parameter is zero.

[out] ppConnectionDataOut

Pointer to a pointer that, on successful return, points to the new connection data to store in the phone-book entry. None of this data should be specific to the current machine; phone-book entries should be portable from machine to machine.

[out] pdwSizeOfConnectionDataOut

Pointer to a DWORD that receives the size of the new connection data to store in the phone-book entry.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function was not able to allocate memory for the configuration data, the return value should be ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY.

If the function fails in some other way, the return value should be an appropriate error code from Winerror.h, Raserror.h, or Mprerror.h.


The DLL that implements RasEapInvokeConfigUI and RasEapFreeMemory may support more than one authentication protocol. The dwEapTypeId parameter specifies for which protocol to invoke the configuration UI.

RAS stores the connection data returned by RasEapInvokeConfigUI in the phone-book entry for the connection on the client computer.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header raseapif.h

See also

Client-Side Configuration User Interface

EAP Functions

Extensible Authentication Protocol Reference


