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ProgressIdleValue Enumeration

Applies To: Windows 8.1

Specifies the type of Idle progress type that has occurred.

Namespace: Microsoft.Assessments
Assembly: Microsoft.Assessments.Core (in Microsoft.Assessments.Core.dll)


Dim instance As ProgressIdleValue


Public Enumeration ProgressIdleValue
public enum ProgressIdleValue
public enum class ProgressIdleValue
public enum ProgressIdleValue
public enum ProgressIdleValue


Member name Description
Begin The assessment is beginning an idle period.
End The assessment is ending an idle period.
EnterConnectedStandby The assessment is beginning a connected standby idle period.
Max An invalid idle value was reported. This enumerator is most often used to check the range of the enumerator values. It should not be used to report an actual idle value.
None No idle progress is being reported. This enumerator should never occur at runtime.


When measuring the energy efficiency of a system, both active and idle periods must be analyzed. The ProgressTypeIdle progress enumerator is used by workloads running under the Energy Efficiency assessment to mark where the idle periods appear in the traces that are being gathered. This enables analysis after the Energy Efficiency assessment has completed.


Development Platforms

Windows 8.1

See Also


Microsoft.Assessments Namespace