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Glossary of MMC Terminology 

action A unit of work presented to users as a button, link, or menu of methods that can be applied to a selected object. Organized activity to accomplish an objective. See activity.

activity A predefined series of actions performed as a part of a workflow. An activity or group of activities is presented to a user as a tab, button, or other switching mechanism allowing user navigation to the desired function. See also action, workflow.

activity node A node in a tree that is used to define an area of activities based on all of the user groups of the feature.

ad hoc activity A predefined series of actions that is not structured into a workflow. See also script.

composition The way in which objects are arranged together to make a larger object.The arrangement of UI elements and management tools into a complete user experience.

configuration management The process of identifying and defining the configuration items in a system, recording and reporting the status of configuration items and requests for change, and verifying the completeness and correctness of configuration items.

configure Manage a product, feature, or system by setting its details or current structure.

console root The top node in an MMC saved view (.msc file). (Sometimes erroneously called the snap-in console root node).

console start page See snap-in console start page.

constraint Limitation applied to allowed activities or range of results of activities.

container A node of a hierarchy whose instances are collections of other objects or containers. Methods, called actions, are provided to access or iterate over its contents.

control A UI element that can perform actions when activated by a user.

data center A facility used for housing a large amount of computer and communications equipment maintained by an organization for the purpose of handling the data necessary for its operations.

deployment Arranging strategically. Adopted by IT from the military, deployment encompasses all the processes involved in getting new software or hardware up and running properly, including installation, configuration, running, testing, and making necessary changes.

description area The area in the results pane that describes the purpose of the selected snap-in.

description bar The bar above the results pane. Contains the name of the selected node.

details pane Do not use. Use results pane instead.

discoverable The ability to find activities or objects that were previously not known.

empty console start page The start page that appears when no snap-ins have been added to a snap-in console (.msc file).

event An action or occurrence, often generated by the user, to which a program might respond.

home view Contains those activities that are needed on first use of a feature or by a user who does not know which activity is needed to complete the task.

information architecture The design, including organization, labeling, and navigation, of systems that help people share information.

IT Generalist An IT Pro responsible for the server, network, and desktop/end-user

MMC console Do not use. Use MMC instead.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) The shell that hosts snap-ins. Does not take an article; do not use the MMC as a noun phrase. Synonymous with mmc.exe. Sometimes referred to as MMC console (do not use).

monitor view Contains those activities for tracking usage or identifying, reporting on, and solving problems at the earliest possible stage.

namespace A name or group of names that are defined according to some naming convention; any bounded area in which a given name can be resolved.

navigation Plotting and determining a course from one point to another. Method by which users find their way around content on a computer display.

object An entity or component identifiable by a user that can be distinguished by its properties, operations, and relationships. Also: a self-contained collection of data (and properties) and its associated processing. Can be represented as a node in the tree or in a list in the results pane.

operate To exercise one of a collection of activities of a product or feature during the normal course of using its functionality. See also administer, maintain, configure.

plan An act of formulating a program for a definite course of action. See also research.

predictable A management activity is predictable if it allows the user to see the impact of a proposed change before it is made. In the case of simple actions, the effect may be obvious, but for complex activities the user must see the result before the activity can commence. See also transparent.

primary snap-in Do not use. Use stand-alone snap-in.

provisioning The automation of all the steps required to manage (setup, amend, and revoke) user or system access entitlements or data relative to electronically published services.

reporting The act of discovery and presentation of something that has happened.

research To study (something) thoroughly so as to present in a detailed, accurate manner. See also plan.

resource link A text link in the results pane that takes user to informational material such as Help, Web content, etc.

results pane The large pane between the tree and the Actions pane. (Do not use scope pane or details pane.)

scope of activity Breadth or opportunity to function. The range of one's perceptions,

thoughts, or actions (also known as scope of control).

retargeting Associating a snap-in with a different computer.

script A series of commands that are run as a unit. See also ad hoc activity.

scope pane Do not use. Use results pane.

server A networked computer resource or computer application that provides functionality to clients. A server may provide more than one service and may handle multiple roles at the same time.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) A contract between the provider and the user who specifies the level of service that is expected during its term.

snap-in The primary type of management tool that provides the set of functionality required to manage a technology or application from within an MMC console.

snap-in console A saved view in MMC. Includes zero or more snap-ins. Synonymous with .msc file. Includes both out-of-box and custom .msc files.

snap-in console root node Do not use. Use console root.

snap-in console start page The start page that appears in the results pane when the snap-in console root node is selected in the tree.

snap-in extension A snap-in that adds functionality to a stand-alone snap-in. Generally referred to simply as extension.

snap-in root node The top node in any snap-in, whether stand-alone or extension.

snap-in start page The start page that appears in the results pane when a given snap-in is selected in the tree.

standalone snap-in A snap-in that can by itself comprise a snap-in console.

standard commands Commands provided by MMC:









start page See snap-in console start page and snap-in start page.

Taskpad Do not use in MMC 3.0. Use Actions pane.

troubleshoot To find out why something does not work and to fix the problem. Troubleshooting a computer often requires determining whether the problem is due to malfunctioning hardware or buggy or out-of-date software.

user experience An activity of encounter by a computer user with the auditory and visual presentation of a collection of computer programs. It is important to note that this includes only what the user perceives and not all that is presented.

workflow A series of activities performed by one or more users acting in a predefined role to complete a business process. Some of the activities may be manual procedural steps to prepare data which is then entered into an automated activity in the computer. See also procedure.