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IUpdateServer.GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime, System.Guid)

Retrieves all installation events that were raised by all clients for the specified update and date range.

public UpdateEventCollection GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTimefromDate,
Public Function GetUpdateEventHistory( _
  ByVal fromDate As DateTime, _
  ByVal toDate As DateTime, _
  ByVal update As System.Guid _
) As UpdateEventCollection
Implements IUpdateServer.GetUpdateEventHistory


  • fromDate
    Begin date that is used to search for events that were raised to the WSUS server for the specified update by all clients. Specify the date in Coordinated Universal Time.
  • toDate
    End date that is used to search for events that were raised to the WSUS server for the specified update by all clients. Specify the date in Coordinated Universal Time.
  • update
    Identifier of the update whose installation history you want to retrieve.

Return Value

An UpdateEventCollection collection of the installation events that were raised by all clients for the specified update and date range.


Exception type Condition
System.ArgumentNullException update cannot be null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException fromDate cannot be greater than toDate.


Events are removed based on the IUpdateServerConfiguration.ServerEventExpirationTime configuration setting.


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also

IUpdate.GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime)