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IUpdate.GetUpdateApprovals(IComputerTargetGroup, UpdateApprovalAction, DateTime, DateTime)

Retrieves a collection of approvals for this update based on the given criteria.

public UpdateApprovalCollection GetUpdateApprovals(IComputerTargetGrouptargetGroup,
Public Function GetUpdateApprovals( _
  ByVal targetGroup As IComputerTargetGroup, _
  ByVal approvalAction As UpdateApprovalAction, _
  ByVal fromApprovalDate As DateTime, _
  ByVal toApprovalDate As DateTime _
) As UpdateApprovalCollection
Implements IUpdate.GetUpdateApprovals


  • targetGroup
    Target group for which you want to retrieve a list of approvals for this update.
  • approvalAction
    Retrieve only approvals that contain the given approval action. To include all approval actions, set to UpdateApprovalAction.All.
  • fromApprovalDate
    Begin date that is used to search for approvals. Specify the date in Coordinated Universal Time.
  • toApprovalDate
    End date that is used to search for approvals. Specify the date in Coordinated Universal Time.

Return Value

An UpdateApprovalCollection collection that contains the list of approvals for this update based on the given criteria. The collection is empty if the approval does not match the criteria.


Exception type Condition
System.ArgumentNullException targetGroup cannot be null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException fromApprovalDate cannot be greater than toApprovalDate, or the value of approvalAction is not valid.
WsusObjectNotFoundException The update was not found in the database.


To retrieve all approvals for this update, call IUpdate.GetUpdateApprovals().


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.