Collection of downstream WSUS servers.
To retrieve this collection, call IUpdateServer.GetDownstreamServers.
The DownstreamServerCollection class is derived from the Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.WsusCollection class.
Public Constructors
The DownstreamServerCollection class has the following public constructor.
Constructor | Description |
DownstreamServerCollection() | Initializes a new instance of the DownstreamServerCollection class. |
Public Methods
The DownstreamServerCollection class has the following public methods.
Method | Description |
Add(IDownstreamServer) | Adds a downstream server to the end of the collection. |
AddRange(DownstreamServerCollection) | Adds the members of an existing downstream server collection to the end of the collection. |
AddRange(IDownstreamServer[]) | Adds an array of downstream servers to the end of the collection. |
Clear() | Removes all objects from the CollectionBase instance. |
Contains(IDownstreamServer) | Determines if the collection contains the specified downstream server. |
CopyTo(IDownstreamServer[], Int32) | Copies the downstream servers in the collection to a one-dimensional array. |
Equals(Object) | Determines if the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
Equals(Object, Object) | Static (Shared). Determines whether the specified Object instances are considered equal. |
GetEnumerator() | Retrieves an enumerator that iterates through the CollectionBase instance. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetType() | Retrieves the Type of the current instance. |
IndexOf(IDownstreamServer) | Determines if the collection contains the specified downstream server. |
Insert(Int32, IDownstreamServer) | Inserts a downstream server into the collection. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) | Static (Shared). Determines if the specified Object instances are the same instance. |
Remove(IDownstreamServer) | Removes the downstream server from the collection. |
RemoveAt(Int32) | Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionBase instance. |
ToString() | Retrieves a String that represents the current Object. |
Public Properties
The DownstreamServerCollection class has the following public properties.
Property | Description |
Count | Retrieves the number of members in the collection. |
Item | Retrieves or sets the member of the collection at the specified index. |
Server | Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later. |
Namespace | Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration. |
Assembly | Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll). |
.NET Framework | Requires .NET Framework 1.1. |