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Retrieves a collection of errors for updates that failed to import into the local database.

public SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfoCollection UpdateErrors {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property UpdateErrors As SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfoCollection

Property Value

A SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfoCollection collection that contains errors that occurred when trying to import updates into the local database. You should check this collection only if the value of ISynchronizationInfo.Result is SynchronizationResult.Failed.


Although ISynchronizationInfo.Error can return SynchronizationError.ImportUpdateError, which indicates that this collection contains import errors, you should not use that as an indicator of when to retrieve the collection because the synchronization process can report both import and non-import errors at the same time. When import and non-import errors occur at the same time, ISynchronizationInfo.Error reports the non-import errors and ISynchronizationInfo.UpdateErrors reports the import errors.


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.