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ICauPluginCallbackBase Interface


Provides functionality common to all cluster-aware updating (CAU) plugin callback interfaces.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating
Assembly:  ClusterAwareUpdating (in ClusterAwareUpdating.dll)


public interface ICauPluginCallbackBase
public interface class ICauPluginCallbackBase
type ICauPluginCallbackBase = interface end
Public Interface ICauPluginCallbackBase


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteDebug(String)

Reports a message to the debug stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteDebug(String, Object[])

Reports a message to the debug stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteError(ErrorRecord)

Callback method for reporting errors that the plug-in encountered while running.

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteProgress(ProgressRecord)

Reports progress during the current operation by the plug-in.

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteVerbose(String)

Callback method used by the plug-in to report verbose messages (without string formatting).

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteVerbose(String, Object[])

Callback method used by the plug-in to report verbose messages (with string formatting allowed).

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteWarning(String)

Callback method used by the plug-in to report warning messages (without string formatting).

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteWarning(String, Object[])

Callback method used by the plug-in to report warning messages (with string formatting allowed).


The callbacks that are used by the plugin to report results from scan, stage and install operations all inherit from this base interface. The information reported via these methods are piped to the PowerShell progress, error, warning, verbose and debug streams by the CAU cmdlet that called the plug-in.

See Also

Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating Namespace

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