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Event Notification Plug-in Sample

The WMS SDK Sample Context plug-in illustrates how to use the Windows Media Services SDK to create a custom event notification plug-in. The sample handles Internal Events raised by the server by writing information about the User Context, the Presentation Context, and the Command Context to a text file. The following example illustrates user context information that the plug-in writes when a client connects to the server.

********************************************************** Connect Event at 2002.03.25 14.16.28 ********************************************************** ------------------------- User Context ------------------------- WMS_USER_IP_ADDRESS(4) = 0x9d90379d(-1651492963)(VT_I4) WMS_USER_IP_ADDRESS_STRING(5) = xxx.xx.144.157(VT_BSTR) WMS_USER_PORT(12) = 0x00000584(1412)(VT_I4)

You can use the sample to learn the nature of the internal events raised by the server and to understand how the server uses contexts.


If you are using this sample from the Platform SDK, you must register it before you can compile with Visual Studio. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server or the equivalent on your computer, point to Visual Studio Registration, and then click Register PSDK Directories with Visual Studio.

The following sections discuss the WMS SDK Sample Context plug-in in more detail.

See Also


Custom Plug-in Interfaces (C++)
