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How to Build and Register the Cache Proxy Sample

You must use Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to build the WMS SDK Sample C# Cache Proxy plug-in. To build the plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

  2. On the File menu, click Open Solution.

  3. In the Open Solution dialog box, navigate to the \Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Samples\multimedia\WindowsMediaServices9\CacheProxy\csharp folder, and then click CacheProxyPluginSample.sln.

  4. On the Build menu, click Build Solution to build and register the WMS SDK Sample C# Cache Proxy plug-in.

The plug-in must be registered before it can be recognized and used by a Windows Media server. The plug-in contains functions to register and unregister itself. These are called RegisterFunction and UnRegisterFunction in the Class1.cs file. The plug-in registers its assembly for COM interop when you build it. To verify this, click Solution Explorer on the Project menu. Click the CacheProxyPluginSample solution, and on the Project menu, click Properties. In the CacheProxyPluginSample Property Pages dialog box, click Configuration Properties and click Build. You will see that the Register for COM interop property is set to true. Also, The plug-in copies its assembly into the %systemroot%\System32\Windows Media\Server folder. To verify this, follow the process identified in step 2 to view the build properties and examine the Output Path property. For more information about the registration process, see Registering a .NET Plug-in.

See Also


C# Cache Proxy Plug-in Sample