IWMSCPPluginAdmin Interface
You can use the IWMSCPPluginAdmin interface to manage control protocol plug-ins. Windows Media Services includes the following system plug-ins for control protocols:
WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol
WMS MMS Server Control Protocol
WMS RTSP Server Control Protocol
Note In Windows Server 2008 operating systems, the MMS protocol is not supported, and Windows Media Services does not provide an MMS Server Control Protocol plug-in.
In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMSCPPluginAdmin interface exposes the following methods.
Method |
Description |
get_BoundIPAddresses |
Retrieves an IWMSBoundIPAddressesIWMSBoundIPAddresses Interface containing a list of bound IP addresses. |
get_ControlProtocol |
Retrieves the protocol name. |
get_ListenAllIPAddresses |
Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the server must monitor all IP addresses for incoming client requests. |
get_Port |
Retrieves the port number used by the protocol. |
put_ListenAllIPAddresses |
Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the server must monitor all IP addresses for incoming client requests. |
put_Port |
Specifies the port number used by the protocol. |
The following example illustrates how to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSCPPluginAdmin interface
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h> // Includes CComVariant.
// To access system plug-in interfaces, the
// entire type library must be imported as shown.
#import "WMSServerTypeLib.dll" no_namespace named_guids \
// Declare variables and interfaces.
IWMSServer *pServer;
IWMSPlugins *pPlugins;
IWMSPlugin *pPlugin;
IDispatch *pDispatch;
IWMSCPPluginAdmin *pCPAdmin;
CComVariant varIndex;
// Initialize the COM library and retrieve a pointer
// to an IWMSServer interface.
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMSServer,
(void **)&pServer);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// Retrieve a pointer to an IWMSPlugins interface
// containing control protocol plug-ins.
hr = pServer->get_ControlProtocols(&pPlugins);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// Retrieve a pointer to the IWMSPlugin interface
// of the plug-in to be configured.
varIndex = "WMS RTSP Server Control Protocol";
hr = pPlugins->get_Item(varIndex, &pPlugin);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// Retrieve a pointer to the custom interface
// of the plug-in.
hr = pPlugin->get_CustomInterface(&pDispatch);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// Query the specific administration interface
// for the plug-in.
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IWMSCPPluginAdmin,
(void **)&pCPAdmin);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// TODO: Release temporary COM objects and uninitialize COM.