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ISpThreadTask::WindowMessage (SAPI 5.4)

Microsoft Speech API 5.4


ISpThreadTask::WindowMessage implements the processing of window messages.

    virtual LRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WindowMessage(
   void    *pvTaskData,
   HWND     hWnd,
   UINT     Msg,
   WPARAM   wParam,
   LPARAM   lParam
) = 0;


  • pvTaskData
    [in] Pointer passed to ISpTaskManager::CreateThreadControl.
  • hWnd
    [in] A window handle.
  • Msg
    [in] The type of window message.
  • wParam
    Message-specific information. This will change based on the Msg value.
  • lParam
    Message-specific information. This will change based on the Msg value.

Return values

The return value is message specific.


Not all applications will need a window and this method may be left unimplemented. If the caller of ISpThreadControl::StartThread passes a non-NULL HWND pointer, the client must implement this function and must also use a MessageWaitForMultipleObjects() loop in the ThreadProc.