Managing the Incoming Archive


For Windows Vista, refer to the example in Managing Queues and Archives.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic code example demonstrates how to retrieve information about the incoming archive and faxes in the archive, and how to delete a fax from the archive.

    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer
        Dim objFaxIncomingArchive As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxIncomingArchive
        Dim objFaxIncomingMessage As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxIncomingMessage

        'Error handling
        On Error GoTo Error_Handler

        'Connect to the fax server

        'Get the incoming archive
        objFaxIncomingArchive = objFaxServer.Folders.IncomingArchive

        'Refresh the object and retrieve/display some of its properties
        MsgBox("High quota water mark: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.HighQuotaWaterMark & _
        vbCrLf & "Low quota water mark:  " & objFaxIncomingArchive.LowQuotaWaterMark & _
        vbCrLf & "Archive folder: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.ArchiveFolder & _
        vbCrLf & "Age limit: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.AgeLimit & _
        vbCrLf & "Size high: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.SizeHigh & _
        vbCrLf & "Size low: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.SizeLow & _
        vbCrLf & "Is size quota warning on: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.SizeQuotaWarning & _
        vbCrLf & "Is archive used: " & objFaxIncomingArchive.UseArchive)

        'Set the age limit to 4 days
        objFaxIncomingArchive.AgeLimit = 4

        'Save the changes

        'Get a message by ID
        Dim MessageID As String
        Dim Answer As String
        Dim FileName As String

        Answer = InputBox("Retrieve a message by its ID (Y/N)?")
        If Answer = "Y" Then

            MessageID = InputBox("Provide the message ID")

            'Get the job
            objFaxIncomingMessage = objFaxIncomingArchive.GetMessage(MessageID)

            'Display information about the retrieved job
            MsgBox("Caller ID: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.CallerId & _
            vbCrLf & "CSID: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.CSID & _
            vbCrLf & "Device name: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.DeviceName & _
            vbCrLf & "Message ID: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.Id & _
            vbCrLf & "Number of pages: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.Pages & _
            vbCrLf & "Number of retries: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.Retries & _
            vbCrLf & "Routing information: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.RoutingInformation & _
            vbCrLf & "Size: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.Size & " bytes" & _
            vbCrLf & "Transmission start: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.TransmissionStart & _
            vbCrLf & "Transmission end: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.TransmissionEnd & _
            vbCrLf & "TSID: " & objFaxIncomingMessage.TSID)

            'Allow user to delete the message
            Answer = InputBox("Delete this message from the archive?")
            If Answer = "Y" Then objFaxIncomingMessage.Delete()

        End If
        Exit Sub

        'Implement error handling at the end of your subroutine. This 
        'implementation is for demonstration purposes
        MsgBox("Error number: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description)

    End Sub