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FpcFilterCondition enumeration

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FpcFilterCondition enumerated type contains descriptions of conditions used in query filtering by the FPCFilterExpression object.


typedef enum FpcFilterCondition { 
  fpcNoCondition     = 0x00000000,
  fpcEqual           = 0x00000001,
  fpcNotEqual        = 0x00000002,
  fpcGreaterOrEqual  = 0x00000004,
  fpcLessOrEqual     = 0x00000008,
  fpcOnOrAfter       = 0x00000010,
  fpcOnOrBefore      = 0x00000020,
  fpcContains        = 0x00000040,
  fpcLiveData        = 0x00000080,
  fpcLastHour        = 0x00000100,
  fpcLast24Hours     = 0x00000200,
  fpcLast7days       = 0x00000400,
  fpcLast30days      = 0x00000800,
  fpcNotContains     = 0x00001000,
  fpcOneOf           = 0x00002000,
  fpcNotOneOf        = 0x00004000
} FpcFilterCondition;


  • fpcNoCondition
    No condition.

  • fpcEqual
    Equal to.

  • fpcNotEqual
    Not equal to.

  • fpcGreaterOrEqual
    Greater than or equal to.

  • fpcLessOrEqual
    Less than or equal to.

  • fpcOnOrAfter
    On or after.

  • fpcOnOrBefore
    On or before.

  • fpcContains

  • fpcLiveData
    After the query starts.

  • fpcLastHour
    During the last hour.

  • fpcLast24Hours
    During the last day.

  • fpcLast7days
    During the last week.

  • fpcLast30days
    During the last month.

  • fpcNotContains
    Does not contain.

  • fpcOneOf
    Is one of the following. The possible values are specified in a comma-delimited list of strings or enumeration values.

  • fpcNotOneOf
    Is not one of the following. The possible values are specified in a comma-delimited list of strings or enumeration values.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

Enumerated Types



Build date: 7/12/2010