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FpcMalwareInspectionActionReason enumeration

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FpcMalwareInspectionActionReason enumerated type contains values that specify the reason for the action that was performed on an HTTP response during malware inspection.


typedef enum FpcMalwareInspectionActionReason { 
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonNone                           = 0,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonNoneDetected                   = 1,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonLowMediumThreatsAllowed        = 2,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonInfected                       = 3,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonSuspiciousFile                 = 4,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonEncryptedFile                  = 5,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxArchiveNestingExceeded      = 6,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxSizeExceeded                = 7,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxUnpackedSizeExceeded        = 8,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonUnknownEncoding                = 9,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonCorruptedFile                  = 10,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonTimeOut                        = 11,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStorageLimitExceeded           = 12,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonUnsupportedFormat              = 13,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStatusNotRequested             = 14,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonOther                          = 15,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabled                       = 16,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabledForPolicyRule          = 17,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabledForChainingRule        = 18,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonExceptionList                  = 19,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonProxyOriginatedResponse        = 20,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonServedByFilter                 = 21,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStreaming                      = 22,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonResponseToConnect              = 23,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonRoutedByCarp                   = 24,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonSourceExceptionList            = 25,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDefinitionsFolderNotSpecified  = 26,
  fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonRangeResponse                  = 27
} FpcMalwareInspectionActionReason;


  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonNone
    No reason was found to perform any action during malware inspection.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonNoneDetected
    No malware was detected during malware inspection.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonLowMediumThreatsAllowed
    No remedial action was performed during malware inspection because low and medium threats are allowed.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonInfected
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain an infected file.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonSuspiciousFile
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain suspicious content.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonEncryptedFile
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain an encrypted file.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxArchiveNestingExceeded
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain an archive whose achive depth level exceeded the user-defined maximum.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxSizeExceeded
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain a file whose size exceeded the user-defined maximum file size.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonMaxUnpackedSizeExceeded
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain an achive whose unpacked size exceeded the maximum.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonUnknownEncoding
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain a file with unknown encoding.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonCorruptedFile
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain a corrupted file.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonTimeOut
    The HTTP response was blocked because the scanning time exceeded the user-defined maximum.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStorageLimitExceeded
    The HTTP response was blocked because the storage space limit for malware inspection was exceeded.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonUnsupportedFormat
    The HTTP response was blocked because an unsupported format was detected during malware inspection.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStatusNotRequested
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was found to contain a status not requested during malware inspection.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonOther
    The HTTP response was blocked for another unspecified reason during malware inspection.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabled
    The HTTP response was allowed because malware inspection is disabled.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabledForPolicyRule
    The HTTP response was allowed because malware inspection is disabled for the matching policy rule.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDisabledForChainingRule
    The HTTP response was allowed because malware inspection is disabled for the matching Web chaining rule.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonExceptionList
    The HTTP response was allowed because the destination is included in the list of malware inspection exceptions.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonProxyOriginatedResponse
    The HTTP response was allowed because it originated from a proxy server.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonServedByFilter
    The HTTP response was allowed because it was servered by the Malware Insepction Filter.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonStreaming
    The HTTP response was allowed because the request/response pair was identified as exempted protocol messages.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonResponseToConnect
    The HTTP response was allowed because it was found to be a 200 response to a CONNECT request.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonRoutedByCarp
    The HTTP response was allowed because it was scanned before being routed by the Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP).

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonSourceExceptionList
    The HTTP response was allowed because the source is included in the list of malware insepction exceptions.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonDefinitionsFolderNotSpecified
    The HTTP response was allowed because the folder containing the malware inspection definitions is not specified.

  • fpcMalwareInspectionActionReasonRangeResponse
    The HTTP response was blocked because it was a range response that did not include a range specification.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

Enumerated Types



Build date: 7/12/2010