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ResolveGrammarActivity Members

An activity that takes a FIM workflow lookup grammar as input and resolves it to the appropriate value. This API is currently not supported.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ResolveGrammarActivity type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ResolveGrammarActivity Creates a new ResolveGrammarActivity object with default values. This API is currently not supported.


Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static GrammarExpressionProperty Indicates the grammar expression. This API is currently not supported.
public field static ResolvedExpressionProperty Indicates the resolved grammar expression. This API is currently not supported.
public field static WorkflowDictionaryKeyProperty This API is currently not supported.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property Description  (Inherited from Activity)
public property Enabled  (Inherited from Activity)
public property ExecutionResult  (Inherited from Activity)
public property ExecutionStatus  (Inherited from Activity)
public property GrammarExpression This API is currently not supported.
public property IsDynamicActivity  (Inherited from Activity)
public property Name  (Inherited from Activity)
public property Parent  (Inherited from Activity)
public property QualifiedName  (Inherited from Activity)
public property ResolvedExpression Represents the resolved grammar. This API is currently not supported.
public property Site  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property UserData  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property WorkflowDictionaryKey This API is currently not supported.


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property ParentDependencyObject  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected property WorkflowInstanceId  (Inherited from Activity)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AddHandler  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method Clone  (Inherited from Activity)
public method Dispose  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method Equals  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetActivityByName  (Inherited from Activity)
public method GetActivityByName  (Inherited from Activity)
public method GetBinding  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetValue  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method GetValueBase  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method IsBindingSet  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method MetaEquals  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method RegisterForStatusChange  (Inherited from Activity)
public method RemoveHandler  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method RemoveProperty  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method Save  (Inherited from Activity)
public method Save  (Inherited from Activity)
public method SetBinding  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method SetValue  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method SetValueBase  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public method ToString  Overridden. (Inherited from Object)
public method UnregisterForStatusChange  (Inherited from Activity)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Dispose  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected method Finalize  Overridden. (Inherited from Object)
protected method GetBoundValue  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected method GetInvocationList  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected method InitializeProperties  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object)
protected method OnClosed  (Inherited from Activity)
protected method SetBoundValue  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected method TrackData  (Inherited from Activity)
protected method TrackData  (Inherited from Activity)


Public Events

  Name Description
public event Canceling  (Inherited from Activity)
public event Closed  (Inherited from Activity)
public event Compensating  (Inherited from Activity)
public event Executing  (Inherited from Activity)
public event Faulting  (Inherited from Activity)
public event StatusChanged  (Inherited from Activity)


See Also


ResolveGrammarActivity Class
Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Activities Namespace