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CLMUtils.CLMUtils Constructor

The CLMUtils(String[]) constructor creates an instance of the CLMUtils class.


public void CLMUtils(
  String[] nameOfCLMMAs
Public Sub CLMUtils( _
  ByVal nameOfCLMMAs As String[] _


  • nameOfCLMMAs
    The names of the CLM management agents that will be referenced during the usage of CLMUtils.


The constructor is responsible for getting the proper information that the CLMUtils will need to assist with provisioning decisions. In order to get this information, at string array must be populated with the names of the CLM management agents that you reference when using the CLMUtils class.

During the construction of the CLMUtils class, the connector space of the CLM Management Agent is evaluated for the presence of the CN=config_data object. This object contains the necessary configuration data to assist the provisioning decisions made by the CLMUtils methods.

If you have not done your initial import from the CLM data source to get the CN=config_data object into the connector space, then the constructor will throw an exception.


Product Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 SP2
Namespace CLMUtils
Assembly CLMUtils
.NET Framework .NET Framework 3.0

See Also


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Build date: 2/16/2009