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CLMUtils.CreateTempCardDisableRequest Method

The CreateTempCardDisableRequest(ConnectedMA, Guid, String) method creates a temporary card request that is not linked to an existing profile containing a permanent card in CLM.


public void CreateTempCardDisableRequest(
  ConnectedMA targetCLMMA,
  Guid aDObjectGuid,
  String profileTemplateName
Public Sub CreateTempCardDisableRequest( _
  ByVal targetCLMMA As ConnectedMA, _
  ByVal aDObjectGuid As Guid, _
  ByVal profileTemplateName As String _


  • targetCLMMA
    The CLM management agent through which the new object is provisioned.

  • aDObjectGuid
    The objectGuid of the associated Active Directory account for which you will create the request. This will need to be imported to the metaverse through the Active Directory management agent.

  • profileTemplateName
    The name of the profile template to which you are trying to provision the request.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


Exception type Condition

A required parameter is not present.


A required parameter is null.


A required attribute is not selected in the management agent.


The object type referenced is not in the schema.


There was an unexpected error, possibly because the request type was not valid.


This method implements the following logic:

  • Checks the connector space of the CLM MA and determines if there are any connected pending requests of the same profile template type that have been already submitted by the specified service account. If so, then it does not re-provision the request.
  • Checks for the presence of any connected unlinked card profiles. If there are any, then it does not re-provision the request.
  • Otherwise it provisions a new unlinked temporary card request into the connector space for that object.


Product Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 SP2
Namespace CLMUtils
Assembly CLMUtils
.NET Framework .NET Framework 3.0

See Also


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Build date: 2/16/2009