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The client creates a profile, called the provisioning profile, to store information that is used to allow the client access to services on the network. The profile sets the capabilities of the user and provisions him for the types of sessions he can initiate, and the domain and servers that can be accessed. The provisioning profile provides the user settings, API version, server settings, and domain settings that the Client API uses to initiate a session. The client can also specify in the profile an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) or a third-party corporate-deployed server to provide telephony services. Multiple servers such as the SIP proxy or registrar server, or the gateway server for calls routed over the PSTN network can also be listed in the profile.

The client application is responsible for creating the XML profile that stores the client's provisioning information. Applications can obtain the profile object from the XML string using the IRTCClientProvisioning::CreateProfile method, or applications can use the IRTCClientProvisioning::GetProfile method to let the RTC Client API generate the profile for them. Separate profiles can be used to provision the client with different types of services using a variety of providers, proxy servers, or gateways. For more information on the XML profiles, see the XML Schema and Sample XML Profiles sections. For information on how to create the profile, see Create the Roaming Profile and Create and Enable a Profile. For more information on the ITSP, see Profile Requirements.