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GetRecoveryPointData method of the MSFT_SMReplicationCapabilities class

Retrieves recovery point data for a storage subsystem.


uint32 GetRecoveryPointData(
  [in]            uint16                ReplicationType,
  [out]           uint32                DefaultRecoveryPoint,
  [out]           Uint32                RecoveryPointValues[],
  [out]           uint16                RecoveryPointIndicator,
  [in, optional]  String                username,
  [in, optional]  String                password,
  [out, optional] MSFT_SMExtendedStatus ExtendedStatus


ReplicationType [in]

Indicates the replication type used to create the recovery point.

The possible values are:

Synchronous Mirror Local (2)

Asynchronous Mirror Local (3)

Synchronous Mirror Remote (4)

Asynchronous Mirror Remote (5)

Synchronous Snapshot Local (6)

Asynchronous Snapshot Local (7)

Synchronous Snapshot Remote (8)

Asynchronous Snapshot Remote (9)

Synchronous Clone Local (10)

Asynchronous Clone Local (11)

Synchronous Clone Remote (12)

Asynchronous Clone Remote (13)

Synchronous TokenizedClone Local (14)

Asynchronous TokenizedClone Local (15)

Synchronous TokenizedClone Remote (16)

Asynchronous TokenizedClone Remote (17)

Adaptive Mirror Local (18)

Adaptive Mirror Remote (19)

Adaptive Snapshot Local (20)

Adaptive Snapshot Remote (21)

Adaptive Clone Local (22)

Adaptive Clone Remote (23)

Adaptive TokenizedClone Local (24)

Adaptive TokenizedClone Remote (25)

DMTF Reserved

26 32767

Vendor Specific (32768)

DefaultRecoveryPoint [out]

The default for values in the RecoveryPointValues property.

RecoveryPointValues [out]

An array that contains the recovery point values of the storage subsystem.

RecoveryPointIndicator [out]

Indicates the meaning of the values in the RecoveryPointValues property.

The possible values are:

Range (0)

Discrete (1)

username [in, optional]

The username used to authenticate the SMI-S provider.

password [in, optional]

The password used to authenticate the SMI-S provider.

ExtendedStatus [out, optional]

When this method returns, this parameter contains a MSFT_SMExtendedStatus object that contains detailed status information about the results of this operation.

Return value

The possible return values are:

Success (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

Property Is Not Supported (7)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2016

See also
