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PS_RemoteAccessLocal class

Represents the server provider functions.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), dynamic, provider("RAServerPSProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class PS_RemoteAccessLocal


The PS_RemoteAccessLocal class has these types of members:


The PS_RemoteAccessLocal class has these methods.

Method Description
CheckInterfaces This method validates the interfaces that are passed here are of profile what they say they are.
CheckServerPreRequisites This method checks all the pre-requisites on the DA server itself.
CreateSelfSignedCertificate This method creates a self signed certificate.
EnableFirewallGroup This method enables the firewall group.
EnrollWebServerCertificate This method enrolls a web server certificate.
FindNLSCertificate This method retrieves a Certificate for NLS from the local machine whose subject name does not match the ConnectTo addresses, but resolves to at least one IP from each site.
GetConfigurationVersion This method gets the server Gpo version information.
GetCorpPrefix This method gets the Corp Prefix configuration.
GetDACertificateFromRawData This method retrieves a Certificate from the local machine which matches the input raw data.
GetDACertificateFromSubjectName This method retrieves a Certificate from the local machine which matches the specified subject name.
GetInterfaces This method gives the Internet and intranet interfaces.
GetValidDACertificates This method retrieves a list of certificates for DirectAccess based on the purpose specified.
SetSSTPCertificate This method is used to set the SSTP certificate on the RemoteAccess server.
SetVpnPorts This method sets the ports required by VPN to the default values based on the whether Vpn and/or site-to-site Vpn are enabled.
Sync This method will trigger the process to synchronize the DA server with the Group Policy.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012