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Retrieving File Lists from Windows Media Center

A CD/DVD recording application uses the list-making capabilities of Windows Media Center to retrieve files that the user has selected, and then records the files onto a CD or DVD. To access the list-making capabilities, an application can implement the IListMakerApp interface. Windows Media Center uses this interface to exchange file and disc information with the application.

When the user has selected files for a CD or DVD recording operation, Windows Media Center starts a registered CD/DVD recording application by calling the application's IListMakerApp.CanProceed property. Windows Media Center passes an instance of the ListMakerList interface to the IListMakerApp.Launch method, along with a CompletionCallback delegate.

The ListMakerList interface is implemented by Windows Media Center. It provides access to a collection of files that the user has selected. Each item in the file collection is an object that exposes the ListMakerItem interface. An application uses this interface to retrieve detailed information about the files that the user has selected for recording.

An application uses the IListMakerApp.ProgressChanged event to send progress updates to Windows Media Center, and uses the CompletionEventHandler delegate to notify Windows Media Center when the recording operation has been completed.

When the user adds or removes files after an application's CanProceed property was called, Windows Media Center notifies the application by calling the IListMakerApp.ItemAdded and ItemRemoved methods. Both methods receive a ListMakerItem interface that provides access to the information about the deleted file.

An application's ListMakerApp interface includes a set of read-only properties. Windows Media Center queries these properties to retrieve configuration parameters from the application.

See Also