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Types of Recording Requests

Windows Media Center recognizes the following types of recording requests:

  • one-time: Windows Media Center records a particular program once.
  • series: Windows Media Center records a particular program at regular intervals.
  • manual: Windows Media Center records a particular service at a particular time.
  • keyword: Windows Media Center records a program that matches the search criteria when and if such a program becomes available.

The content and structure of the click-to-record XML document and the user's current EPG data determine the type of the recording request that Windows Media Center adds to the recording schedule.

To request a one-time recording, set the isRecurring attribute of the programRecord element to "false" and include one or more program elements in the XML document.

To further refine the search criteria for Windows Media Center, you can also include corresponding service and airing elements. Windows Media Center uses all available search criteria to find and record the specified program once.

Requesting a series recording is similar to requesting a one-time recording, except that you must set the isRecurring attribute of the programRecord element to "true".

To request a manual recording, include matching service and airing elements in the XML document, but no program elements.

Windows Media Center treats a click-to-record submission as a keyword request if the request criteria are valid and both of the following conditions exist:

  • No service is specified, or the specified service does exist in the user's current program guide
  • No airing time is specified, or the specified airing time exists in the future beyond the scope of current EPG.

See Also