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MCML Types

This section describes the view items and other elements that you can use in MCML markup.

Element Description
Accessible Implements accessibility support by mapping certain UI functions to standard accessibility actions that can be used by external accessibility aides.
Aggregate Imports an MCML resource and its markup types and resources through the MCML container.
AlphaKeyframe Specifies an alpha keyframe for an animation.
AnchorEdge Specifies an edge anchor for anchor layouts.
AnchorLayout Specifies an anchor layout.
AnchorLayoutInput Specifies input for an anchor layout element.
Animation Describes an animation associated with a view item.
Binding Defines a rule that binds a source to a target. The target is updated whenever the source changes.
BooleanTransformer Converts data to a Boolean value.
Changed Defines a rule that invokes actions based on a source change.
ClickHandler An event handler that provides button-like input behavior to a UI object.
Clip Defines a clipping region, which prevents drawing beyond its bounds.
ColorFill Displays a solid fill.
ColorKeyframe Defines a color keyframe for an animation.
Condition Defines a rule that invokes actions based on a logical condition.
DateTimeTransformer Converts date-time data to a string for display purposes.
DebugTrace Debugs rules by displaying the output on the debug console.
Default Defines a rule for a default action if no other higher-priority rules apply.
DockLayout Defines a dock layout.
DockLayoutInput Defines input for a dock layout element.
Environment Tracks the state of the current host.
Equality Defines a rule condition based on whether a source equals a given value.
ExceptionHandler An event handler that catches exceptions for Invoke, Set, and command objects.
FlowLayout Defines a layout in which items flow one after another.
Font Specifies the font of an object.
FormatTransformer Converts an object to a string with a specified format.
FormLayoutInput Defines a form layout.
GesturePanHandler An input handler that provides pan gesture tracking behavior to a UI object.
GestureRatchetSettings Defines the ratcheting settings for gestures.
GestureInertiaSettings Defines how a gesture handler should react to inertia.
Graphic Displays an image.
GridLayout Defines a layout that arranges children in a grid fashion.
HandleException Defines an exception handler for an Invoke, Set, or Command object.
Host Hosts a child UI.
Index Represents the current data and virtual index when repeating a data set.
Input Used to access input-related state and events within a UI.
Interpolation Estimates intermediate values between two keyframes.
InvokeCommand Invokes an arbitrary method.
Invoke Invokes an action as the result of a rule.
IsNotType Defines a rule condition based on whether a source is not a given type.
IsType Defines a rule condition based on whether a source is a given type.
IsValid Defines a rule condition based on whether a source can be queried without error (for example, there are no null values).
KeyHandler Provides keystroke input behavior to a UI element.
MajorMinor Defines a two-dimensional vector.
MathTransformer Defines a mathematical conversion.
Mcml The top-level root tag of a Windows Media Center markup document.
MergeAnimation Combines multiple source animations into one.
Modified Determines whether a given source was modified.
MouseWheelHandler Sets up an event handler that provides mouse/wheel input behavior to a UI element.
NavigateCommand Defines an action to navigate to a specified destination MCML resource in response to a command.
Navigate Defines an action to navigate to a specified destination MCML resource in response to a rule.
NowPlaying Defines a placeholder item that indicates where to display the Now Playing inset.
ObjectPath Represents an artibrary object path with dot-into object support.
Panel Defines a non-drawing layout container.
PlayAnimation Defines an action to play animation.
PlaySound Defines an action to play sound.
PositionKeyframe Defines a position keyframe for an animation.
Repeater Repeats a markup based on a given dataset.
RotateKeyframe Defines a rotation keyframe for an animation.
RotateLayout Defines a rotation of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees for child elements.
Rule Defines the base rule for other rules. This element allows you to construct custom lists of conditions and actions.
ScaleKeyframe Defines a scale keyframe for an animation.
ScaleLayout Scales child elements up or down as specified.
Scroller Scrolls content.
ScrollingData Defines the data used for scrolling.
ScrollingHandler Defines common scrolling input behavior for a UI element.
SecureTypingHandler An event handler that provides secure editbox-like input behavior to a UI object. String values are encrypted. Display values are always masked.
Set Defines an action that sets a property value for a target.
ShortcutHandler An event handler that provides shortcut command-input behavior to a UI element.
SizeKeyframe Defines a size keyframe for an animation.
SwitchAnimation Specifies two or more animations from which to choose, based on a value from Choice, BooleanChoice, RangedValue, or IntRangedValue.
Text Draws text.
TimeSpanTransformer Converts a TimeSpan value to a string for display purposes.
TransformAnimation Enables simple time- and value-based transformations on all of the keyframes in a reference animation.
TransformByAttributeAnimation Performs time and value transformations to a reference animation based on a visual attribute such as width or index.
TripleTapKeyInfo Provides header and label information for triple-tap keys.
TypeSelector Repeater content selector that matches based on type.
TypingHandler Event handler that provides edit box-like input behavior to a UI element.
UI Defines a UI—how it appears visually, how it behaves, and how it interacts with code/data objects.
ValueSelector Selects content for a repeater by comparing the result of an arbitrary object path to a value.
Video Displays video.

See Also