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Microsoft.MediaCenter Namespace

The following types are in the Microsoft.MediaCenter namespace, which is in the microsoft.mediacenter.dll assembly.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter namespace exposes the following classes:

Class Description
ApplicationAccessDisabledException Contains information about an exception that was raised because an application tried to access Windows Media Center properties, but the user has chosen to block access to the properties.
ApplicationAlreadyRegisteredException Contains information about an exception that was raised when trying to register because an application was already registered.
ApplicationControlDisabledException Contains information about an exception that was raised because an application tried to control some aspect of Windows Media Center, but the user has chosen to block applications from controlling Windows Media Center.
ApplicationNoPermissionException Contains information about an exception that was raised because the user does not have permission to register the application for All Users.
ApplicationNotForegroundException Contains information about an exception that was raised because a page called a Windows Media Center API element at an inappropriate time.
ApplicationNotRegisteredException Contains information about an exception that was raised when trying to unregister an application that is not registered.
ApplicationRegistrationCancelledException Contains information about an exception that was raised because the user has denied the request to register the application.
AudioMixer Enables applications to control the Windows Media Center mute state and volume level.
BroadcastService Provides access to information about a TV broadcast service.
DiscData Enables applications to get information about a disc in a changer.
FeatureNotConfiguredException Contains information about an exception that was raised because the application is trying to work with a Windows Media Center experience such as TV, but that experience is not configured.
MediaCenterEnvironment Enables applications to get device information, gain access to disc changers, and control various aspects of Windows Media Center. Provides information about Windows Media Center, including its current capabilities and version number.
MediaChanger Enables applications to control the disc changer.
MediaChangerException Contains information about an exception that was raised because a media changer operation failed.
MediaCollection A collection of media items that make up a playlist (media collection).
MediaCollectionItem Used to add an audio or video item to the media collection and specify properties for playback.
MediaExperience Enables applications to retrieve information about the current Windows Media Center experience.
MediaMetadata Provides an index into the media metadata properties that have been defined. 
MediaTransport Enables applications to control playback of the current content.
MetadataAccessDisabledException Contains information about an exception that was raised because an application tried to access Windows Media Center metadata, but the user has chosen to block access to metadata.
ParentalControls Enables applications to select the type of parental control settings to query.
ParentalControlSetting Enables applications to query the various parental control settings for movie or TV viewing.
StateDetectionDisabledException Contains information about an exception that was raised because an application tried to access Windows Media Center state information, but the user has chosen to block access to state information.
UserInfo Gets the user's postal code, if available.
USTVRatings Enables applications to query the extended TV content ratings.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter namespace exposes the following interface:

Interface Description
IQueryPlaybackCapabilities Gets values that indicate the playback capabilities for media.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter namespace exposes the following enumeration types:

Enumeration type Description
BackgroundModes Contains values that indicate the type of background to display when audio or video is playing.
DialogButtons Contains values that identify the buttons that can be used in a dialog box.
DialogResult Contains values that indicate how a dialog box was dismissed.
DiscType Contains values that identify the type of disc in a changer.
MediaItemPlaybackCapabilities Contains bitflag values that indicate which actions are allowed during playback.
MediaType Contains values that identify the type of media that is currently playing.
PageId Contains the identifiers (GUIDs) of important locations within the Windows Media Center user interface.
PlayState Contains values that indicate the play state of the current media.
ShortcutStatus Contains values that indicate the user's response to the dialog box created by the CreateDesktopShortcut method.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter namespace exposes the following delegates:

Delegate Description
DialogClosedCallback Specifies the method that is invoked when a Windows Media Center dialog box is closed.
ParentalPromptCompletedCallback Represents the method that handles the result of calling the ParentalControls.PromptForPin method, indicating whether the user entered the correct parental control code.

See Also