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TVVMbase.Initialize Method

Required by AddInModule. This can be replaced in the derived class for custom initialization. For more information, see IAddInModule.Initialize.


  public override void Initialize(
  Dictionary<string, object>  appInfo,
  Dictionary<string, object>  entryPointInfo



System.Collections.Dictionary<string,object>.  A collection of the attributes and corresponding values that were specified in the application element used to register the application. For more information, see Associating Application Entry Points with Integration Locations.


System.Collections.Dictionary<string,object>.  A collection of the attributes and corresponding values that were specified in the entrypoint element used to register the application's entry points. For more information, see Associating Application Entry Points with Integration Locations.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TVVM

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also