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This section documents all the elements in the custom XML file used to create custom transitions, buttons, and menu styles for Windows DVD Maker. You can view a sample XML file for Windows DVD Maker in Samples.

Important XML file parsing in Windows DVD Maker is case sensitive.

Element Description
Alpha Defines the transparency of the specified object.
BackgroundZoom Indicates whether to zoom the input video image to fill the screen or to letterbox or pillarbox it.
BoundingRect Defines the location and size of the specified text object.
ButtonLocations (Child of MainMenu) Specifies the normalized (with respect to a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio) position and dimensions of the menu buttons on the main menu.
ButtonLocations (Child of NotesMenu) Specifies the normalized (with respect to a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio) position and dimensions of the button on the notes menu.
ButtonLocations (Child of ScenesMenu2) Specifies the normalized (with respect to a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio) position and dimensions of the menu buttons on a scene menu with two scene buttons.
ButtonLocations (Child of ScenesMenu4) Specifies the normalized (with respect to a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio) position and dimensions of the menu buttons on a scene menu with four scene buttons.
ButtonLocations (Child of ScenesMenu6) Specifies the normalized (with respect to a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio) position and dimensions of the menu buttons on a scene menu with six scene buttons.
ButtonSelection Indicates whether the button has a subpicture part that is used to indicate that it has been selected ("pressed").
ButtonText Causes a text media node to be created if the button name specified in the value parameter exists.
Color The color of the source.
Duration Specifies the duration of the parent menu or transition.
DVDButton The boundary tag for the individual button object.
DVDButtonDLL The boundary tag for a single button object.
DVDButtons The boundary tag for the custom DVD buttons section of the XML file.
DVDMenuStyle The boundary tag for the individual menu style object.
DVDMenuStyleDLL The boundary tag for a single DVD menu style object.
DVDMenuStyles The boundary tag for the custom DVD menu styles section of the XML file.
DVDTransition The boundary tag for the individual DVD transition object.
DVDTransitionDLL The boundary tag for a single DVD transition object.
DVDTransitions The boundary tag for the custom DVD transitions section of the XML file.
EntranceDuration Defines the duration of the entrance effect for the specified text media node.
EntranceEffect Defines the entrance effect for the specified text media node.
EntrancePosition Defines the entrance position of the specified text media node.
ExitDuration Defines the duration of the exit effect for the specified text media node.
ExitEffect Defines the exit effect for the specified text media node.
ExitPosition Defines the exit position of the specified text media node.
Font Specifies the font to be used by this menu style.
FontSize Specifies the size of text.
FrontColor1 Specifies the color of the text in this menu style.
FXFile Points to an .fx file that contains the pixel and vertex shaders used in the button style.
Graph (Child of MainMenu) Defines the pipeline graph for the main menu.
Graph (Child of MainToNotesTransition) Defines the pipeline graph for the transition between the main menu and the notes menu.
Graph (Child of MainToScenesXTransition) Defines the pipeline graph for the DVD transition to scenes menus.
Graph (Child of NotesMenu) Defines the pipeline graph for the notes menu.
Graph (Child of ScenesMenuX) Defines the pipeline graph for the scenes menus.
Graph (Child of ToMainTransition) Defines the pipeline graph for the DVD transition into the main menu (the "opening" transition).
GroupName Specifies the category into which this menu style should be placed in the Windows DVD Maker UI.
HorizontalAlignment Indicates the horizontal alignment of the specified text object.
Input Creates a source (media node) in the pipeline graph.
InputStartOffset Defines the time offset at which to start a source.
InsetVideoZoom Indicates whether to zoom the inset video image to fill the screen or to letterbox or pillarbox it.
IsBold Specifies whether the text should be boldfaced.
MainMenu Describes the main menu of the DVD.
MainPosition Defines the normalized position of the text when it is not "entering" or "exiting" the viewport.
MainToNotesTransition Defines the transition displayed between the main menu and the notes menu.
MainToScenes2Transition Defines the transition displayed between the main menu and a two-button scene menu.
MainToScenes4Transition Defines the transition displayed between the main menu and a four-button scene menu.
MainToScenes6Transition Defines the transition displayed between the main menu and a six-button scene menu.
MenuEndTime Specifies the time index at which to end a source.
Menus Defines both required and optional menus, as well as any optional transitions.
MenuStartTime Specifies the time index at which to start a source.
MinAutoFontSize Defines the automatic minimum font size for the specified text object.
NavigationButton Causes a media node to be created that renders a scene button.
NavigationButtonTFXToken Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the navigation button style to be used by this menu style.
NextMenuButton Specifies the location and size of the "Next Menu" button.
NotesMenu Defines the "Notes" menu of the DVD.
NumInputs Specifies the number of inputs required by the media node.
Offset Defines a three-dimensional (3-D) translation for the specified object.
Param Defines parameters for the specified DVD transition.
ParentMenuButton Specifies the location and size of the "Parent Menu" button.
PlayButton Specifies the location and size of the "Play" button.
PlayButtonText Specifies the text used for this menu style's "Play" button.
Point Specifies the values of the parameter at specific times.
PreviousMenuButton Specifies the location and size of the "Previous Menu" button.
Properties (Child of Token) Specifies the properties of the media node.
Properties (Child of Text) Specifies the properties of the text media node.
Properties (Child of ButtonText) Specifies the properties of the button text media node.
Properties (Parent of Color) Specifies the properties of the media node.
Properties (Child of SceneButton) Specifies the properties of the scene button.
Properties (Child of NavigationButton) Specifies the properties of the navigation button.
ResizingTechnique Specifies the resizing technique for the specified text.
Rotate Defines a three-dimensional (3-D) rotation for a specified object.
Scale Specifies the scale factor to apply to the rectangular mesh for the specified media node.
Scene1Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 1" button.
Scene2Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 2" button.
Scene3Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 3" button.
Scene4Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 4" button.
Scene5Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 5" button.
Scene6Button Specifies the location and size of the "Scene 6" button.
SceneButton Causes a media node to be created that renders a scene button.
SceneButtonTFXToken Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the scene button style to be used by this menu style.
ScenesMenu2 Defines a menu that has two or fewer scene buttons.
ScenesMenu4 Defines a menu that has four or fewer scene buttons.
ScenesMenu6 Defines a menu that has six or fewer scene buttons.
Source Specifies an individual image source.
StaticThumbnail Specifies an image that represents the button or menu style (depending on the context) in the Windows DVD Maker UI.
Submenu1Button Specifies the location and size of the "Submenu1" button.
Submenu1ButtonText Specifies the text used for this menu style's "Submenu1" button. This is usually the "Scenes" button.
Submenu2Button Specifies the location and size of the "Submenu2" button. This is usually the "Notes" button.
Submenu2ButtonText Specifies the text used for this menu style's "Submenu2" button. This is usually the "Notes" button.
Subpicture Describes the pipeline graph that Windows DVD Maker will use when rendering the subpicture.
SubpictureTextures Specifies the source files that will be created when rendering the subpicture.
Technique Specifies the effect technique that the specified button will use.
Text Inserts a media node that renders text into the pipeline graph.
TextTFXToken Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a collection of text attributes to be applied to text in this menu style.
Textures Specifies the source files that Windows DVD Maker will create when the button or transition is created (depending on the context).
ThumbnailTime Specifies the time offset into the menu in the Windows DVD Maker user interface (UI) that renders a static preview of the menu style.
TitleText Specifies the text used for this menu style's menu title.
Token (One Child Element) Creates a media node in the pipeline graph.
Token (Three Child Elements) Creates a media node in the pipeline graph.
Token (Four Child Elements) Creates a media node in the pipeline graph.
ToMainTransition Specifies the transition into the main menu (the "opening" transition) that is displayed when the main menu is displayed for the first time.
TransitionsAndEffects The boundary tag for the entire custom XML file.
UsesBackground Specifies whether the user will be able to override the specified background source.


Windows DVD Maker XML Extensibility