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About the Service Object

The Service object represents a device service, and provides access to all of the properties, methods, events, and content exposed by that service.

WPD Automation defines a minimum set of properties (see WpdProperty) for each Service object. The full set of properties, methods, and events for a Service object depends entirely on the service definition of the service that it represents.

Any service-defined property (or ServiceProperty in WPD Automation) can be accessed by its name, as specified in the service definition. For more information and an example, see ServiceProperty.

Service-defined methods and events can also be accessed by their defined names. For an example of how to invoke a service-defined method, see Invoking a Service-Defined Method. For information about working with service-defined events, see Handling Service-Defined Events.

The Service object inherits the common object functionality included in the properties, methods, and events of the WPDObject. This means that a Service object can create new Service objects by calling the CreateNewObject method, add objects to its collection of child objects by calling the WPDObject.AddChild method, and remove child objects from its collection by calling the WPDObject.RemoveChild method.

A Service object can be retrieved from the collection of all services on a Device Object by a zero-based numeric index, by a Persistent Unique ID (PUID), by an Object identifier (ObjectID), or by Service Type, as shown in the following code.

// Retrieve a service object by index.
var serviceObject = deviceObject.Services[Index];

// Get the PUID of a service object by index,
// and then retrieve a service object by PUID.
var servicePUID = deviceObject.Services[0].ObjectPersistentUniqueId;
var serviceObject = deviceObject.Services[servicePUID];

// Get the ObjectID of a service object by index,
// and then retrieve a service object by ObjectID.
var serviceObjectID = deviceObject.Services[0].ObjectId;
var serviceObject = deviceObject.Services[serviceObjectID];

// Retrieve a serviceCollection of service objects by service type, 
// and then retrieve a service object from the collection by index.
var coolServicesCollection = deviceObject.GetServicesByType("{D0EACE0E-707D-4106-8D38-4F60E6A9F8E}");
var serviceObject = coolServicesCollection[Index];

About the WPD Automation Object Model

Device Object

Service Object

Services Collection
