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SocketType Enumeration

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Specifies the type of socket that an instance of the Socket class represents.

Namespace:  System.Net.Sockets
Assembly:  System (in System.dll)


Public Enumeration SocketType
public enum SocketType
public enum class SocketType
type SocketType
public enum SocketType


Member name Description
Stream Supports reliable, two-way, connection-based byte streams without the duplication of data and without preservation of boundaries. A Socket of this type communicates with a single peer and requires a remote host connection before communication can begin. Stream uses the Transmission Control Protocol (Tcp) ProtocolType and the InterNetworkAddressFamily.
Dgram Supports datagrams, which are connectionless, unreliable messages of a fixed (typically small) maximum length. Messages might be lost or duplicated and might arrive out of order. A Socket of type Dgram requires no connection prior to sending and receiving data, and can communicate with multiple peers. Dgram uses the Datagram Protocol (Udp) and the InterNetworkAddressFamily.
Raw Supports access to the underlying transport protocol. Using the SocketTypeRaw, you can communicate using protocols like Internet Control Message Protocol (Icmp) and Internet Group Management Protocol (Igmp). Your application must provide a complete IP header when sending. Received datagrams return with the IP header and options intact.
Rdm Supports connectionless, message-oriented, reliably delivered messages, and preserves message boundaries in data. Rdm (Reliably Delivered Messages) messages arrive unduplicated and in order. Furthermore, the sender is notified if messages are lost. If you initialize a Socket using Rdm, you do not require a remote host connection before sending and receiving data. With Rdm, you can communicate with multiple peers.
Seqpacket Provides connection-oriented and reliable two-way transfer of ordered byte streams across a network. Seqpacket does not duplicate data, and it preserves boundaries within the data stream. A Socket of type Seqpacket communicates with a single peer and requires a remote host connection before communication can begin.
Unknown Specifies an unknown Socket type.


Before a Socket can send and receive data, it must first be created using an AddressFamily, a SocketType, and a ProtocolType. The SocketType enumeration provides several options for defining the type of Socket that you intend to open.

See Also


System.Net.Sockets Namespace