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CardRequestConfigRegisterPhAddr (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used to support the PCMCIA legacy support driver. The PCMCIA legacy support driver requires installable interrupt service routine (ISR) support. The installable ISR uses the configuration and status register to identify an interrupt source.

STATUS CardRequestConfigRegisterPhAddr(CARD_CLIENT_HANDLEhCardClient,CARD_SOCKET_HANDLEhSock,  PCARD_WINDOW_ADDRESS pCardWindowAddr,  PDWORD pOffset);


  • hCardClient
    [in] Client handle created by CardRegisterClient.
  • hSock
    [in] Handle passed from the registry or from an event notification.
  • pCardWindowAddr
    [out] Window information to which the card configuration register is mapped. For more information, see CARD_WINDOW_ADDRESS.
  • pOffset
    [out] Offset value from the window pointed to by pCardWindowAddr.

Return Values

Returns one of the return codes defined in the Cardsv2.h header file.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later
Header: Cardsv2.h
Link Library: Pcc_serv.dll

See Also

PC Card Drivers | CardRegisterClient

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