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CardRequestDisable (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function powers off a PC Card. After the card has been turned off it can no longer function until the card is ejected and reinserted.



  • hCardClient
    [in] Client handle created by CardRegisterClient.
  • hSock
    [in] Handle passed from the registry or from an event notification.

Return Values

Returns one of the return codes defined in the Cardsv2.h header file.


The PC Card is disabled only after all functions call CardRequestDisable for a multiple function card. After CardRequestDisable is called, the PC Card can only be reactivated by removing and reinserting it.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later
Header: Cardsv2.h
Link Library: Pcc_serv.dll

See Also

PC Card Drivers | CardRegisterClient

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