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CardRequestIRQLine (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves the interrupt request (IRQ) line that is routed to the CPU by the bridge controller.

STATUS CardRequestIRQLine(CARD_CLIENT_HANDLEhCardClient,CARD_SOCKET_HANDLEhSocket,  UINT16 uSupportedIrqBit,  PDWORD pdwIrqOrSysIntrNumber,  PDWORD pdwIsSysIntr);


  • hCardClient
    [in] Client handle created by CardRegisterClient.
  • hSocket
    [in] Handle passed from the registry or from an event notification.
  • uSupportedIrqBit
    [in] 16-bit supported IRQ line passed from the CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY tuple.
  • pdwIrqOrSysIntrNumber
    [out] The IRQ or SYSINTR value to be retrieved.
  • pdwIsSysIntr
    [out] Value that determines if pdwIrqOrSysIntrNumber is an IRQ or SYSINTR value. If this value is non-zero, pdwIrqOrSysIntrNumber contains a SYSINTR value. Otherwise, it contains an IRQ value.

Return Values

Returns one of the return codes defined in the Cardsv2.h header file.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later
Header: Cardsv2.h
Link Library: Pcc_serv.dll

See Also

PC Card Drivers | CardRegisterClient

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