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This structure is used to describe levels of a texture map. Because texture map levels are also surfaces, most of its members are identical to D3DMSURFACE_DESC.

typedef struct _D3DMTEXTURE_DESC {  D3DMFORMAT Format;  D3DMRESOURCETYPE Type;  ULONG Usage;  D3DMPOOL Pool;  UINT Size;  D3DMMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSampleType;  UINT Width;  UINT Height;  ULONG Level;  ULONG TotalLevels;} D3DMTEXTURE_DESC;


  • Format
    A D3DMFORMATD3DMFORMAT enumeration value describing the pixel format of the data in the texture map level.

  • Type
    A D3DMRESOURCETYPE enumeration value identifying the type of resource; in this case, D3DMRTYPE_TEXTURE, a texture.

  • Usage
    A ULONG value that is a combination of D3DMUSAGE Values representing how the application should use the texture map level. These bits can be hints to the driver to allow it to optimize resource allocations best suited to the level's use.

    This value always contains D3DMUSAGE_TEXTURE and it may contain D3DMUSAGE_LOCKABLE. The driver must support one of the following texture locking styles.

    • Lockable system memory textures that may be copied to video memory textures.
    • Lockable video memory textures.
    • Lockable system memory textures and the ability to texture from system memory.
  • Pool
    A D3DMPOOL value identifying the memory pool that the texture map level is allocated from.

  • Size
    A UINT value representing the number of bytes allocated for the texture map level.

  • MultiSampleType
    A D3DMMULTISAMPLE_TYPE value indicating the type of multisampling used on this surface. This will be set to D3DMMULTISAMPLE_NONE because texture map multisampling is handled with render states.

  • Width
    A UINT value representing the width of the texture map level in pixels.

  • Height
    A UINT value representing the height of the texture map level in pixels.

  • Level
    A ULONG value defining the level of the mipmap. This value is always 0 for the mipmap level with the highest resolution, the top level. The Direct3D Mobile middleware will always creates the levels of a mipmap sequentially from level 0 to level n - 1 for an n level mipmap.

  • TotalLevels
    A ULONG value defining the total number levels in the mipmap. This is set to 1 for standalone texture maps.


The first several members of the structure are identical to the D3DMSURFACE_DESC structure. This is intentional. Internally, the middleware will downcast texture description pointers to surface description pointers to save code size. The driver can do the same.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0
Header: D3dmddk.h.

See Also


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