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EGPEFormatToEDDGPEPixelFormat (Windows CE 5.0)

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This conversion array can be used to convert an EGPEFormat to an EDDGPEPixelFormat.

const EDDGPEPixelFormat  EGPEFormatToEDDGPEPixelFormat[] = {ddgpePixelFormat_1bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_2bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_4bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_8bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_565, ddgpePixelFormat_8880, ddgpePixelFormat_8888, ddgpePixelFormat_UnknownFormat, ddgpePixelFormat_UnknownFormat, ddgpePixelFormat_UnknownFormat};


The conversion between formats is a best-guess conversion, resulting in the default EDDGPEPixelFormat corresponding to an EGPEFormat. In some cases, this will not result in the value you want. For instance, if your surface is of type ddgpePixelFormat_5551, it will convert correctly to gpe16Bpp, using EDDGPEPixelFormatToEGPEFormat. However, this will convert back to ddgpePixelFormat_565 using EGPEFormatToEDDGPEPixelFormat.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddgpe.h.
Link Library: Ddgpe.lib.

See Also

DDGPE Data Structures, Types, and Constants

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