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This message requests a user-mode mixer driver to return detailed information about the specified control on the specified audio line.

typedef struct {  DWORD uDeviceId;  UINT uMsg;  DWORD dwUser;  DWORD lParam1;  DWORD lParam2;} MXDM_GETCONTROLDETAILS;


  • uDeviceId
    Device identifier for the target device. It can be 0, 1, 2, and so on.
  • uMsg
  • dwUser
    Instance identifier associated with the caller.
  • lParam1
    Pointer to a MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure.
  • lParam2
    Contains flag values.

Return Values

Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if the operation is successful. Otherwise, it returns one of the MMSYSERR or MIXERR error codes defined in Mmsystem.h. See mixerGetControlDetails return values in the Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK).


A client sends the MXDM_GETCONTROLDETAILS message by calling the user-mode driver's mxmdMessage entry point, passing the specified parameters.

The driver receives an empty MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure and fills it in.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mmddk.h.

See Also

Audio Mixer Messages

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