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Accelerator Editor (Windows CE 5.0)

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The accelerator editor enables you to add, delete, change, and browse shortcut key assignments in your project.

You can use the Find command to locate specific shortcut keys in the accelerator table. You can also change the properties of several shortcut keys at the same time.

An accelerator table is a Microsoft Windows resource that contains a list of shortcut keys and the command identifiers associated with them. An application can have more than one accelerator table.

Usually, shortcut keys are associated with commands available on a menu or toolbar. However, you can use the accelerator table to define shortcut key combinations for commands that do not have a user interface (UI) object associated with them.

You can use the accelerator editor for the following tasks:

  • Adding, deleting, changing, and browsing the shortcut key assignments in your project.

  • Viewing and changing the resource identifier associated with each accelerator table entry.

    The identifier is used to reference each accelerator table entry in the application code.

  • Associating a shortcut key with a menu item.

  • Finding one or more shortcut keys in the accelerator table, and using regular expressions with the Find command to locate a shortcut key that matches a pattern.

  • Selecting multiple shortcut keys and change their properties at the same time.

While using the accelerator editor, you can click the right mouse button to display a shortcut menu of frequently used commands.

Windows CE does not allow you to create empty accelerator tables. If you try to add one, it is deleted when you exit the IDE.

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