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Others Dotnet Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the contents of the Others Dotnet directory, which contains Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework functionality included with source code for Windows CE.

Directory Sysgen Description Buildable Code type
ARMV4I SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
managed SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
MIPS16 SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
MIPSII SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
MIPSII_FP SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
MIPSIV SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
MIPSIV_FP SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
SH4 SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public
X86 SYSGEN_DOTNET .NET Compact Framework Not supported Public

See Also

Shared Source Others Directory | Shared Source Code Directories

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