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Corrupt Object File (Windows CE 5.0)

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Sometimes the linker cannot process object files because they are corrupt.

In addition to the usual causes of corrupt files such as network problems or exposing a floppy disk to a magnetic field, sometimes the compiler writes an incorrect object file, which you should report to Microsoft Product Support Services.

After you rule out a hardware, OS, or network problem as the cause of the corrupt object file, try the following tips. Changing compiler options and recompiling sometimes causes the compiler to write a noncorrupt object file.

The following list shows possible solutions for this error.

  • Turn off optimization with the /Od (Disable) option.
  • Compile with the /Gy (Enable Function-Level Linking) option to package functions.
  • Use a different code generation option. See the /G (Optimize for Processor) options.
  • Change the order of functions and global variables.

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