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TSPI Line Device Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the TSPI line device functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
TSPI_lineAccept Accepts the specified offered call. Optionally, this function can send the specified user-user information to the calling party.
TSPI_lineAddToConference Adds the call that is specified by the hdConsultCall parameter to the conference call that is specified by the hdConfCall parameter.
TSPI_lineAnswer Answers the specified offering call.
TSPI_lineBlindTransfer Performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address.
TSPI_lineClose Closes the specified open line device after completing or aborting every outstanding call and asynchronous operation on the device.
TSPI_lineCloseCall Deallocates the call after completing or aborting every outstanding asynchronous operation on the call.
TSPI_lineCompleteCall This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer Completes the transfer of the specified call to the party that is connected in the consultation call.
TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection Is invoked by TAPI whenever a client application uses the LINEMAPPER value as the dwDeviceID parameter in a lineOpen function, to request that lines be scanned to find one that supports the desired media modes and call parameters.
TSPI_lineConfigDialogEdit Causes the provider of the specified line device to display a modal dialog box as a child window of the hwndOwner parameter, to allow the user to configure parameters that are related to the line device.
TSPI_lineDevSpecific Is used as a general extension mechanism to enable service providers to provide access to features that are not described in other operations. The meanings of the extensions are device-specific, and the application must be fully aware of these extensions to take advantage of them.
TSPI_lineDevSpecificFeature This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineDial Dials the specified dialable number on the specified call.
TSPI_lineDrop Drops or disconnects the specified call. Optionally, user-user information can be transmitted as part of the disconnect of the call. This function can be called by the application at any time.
TSPI_lineDropNoOwner This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineDropOnClose This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineForward Forwards calls that are destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions.
TSPI_lineGenerateDigits Initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as inband tones by using the specified signaling mode.
TSPI_lineGenerateTone Generates the specified tone inband over the specified call.
TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps Queries the specified address on the specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities.
TSPI_lineGetAddressID Returns the address identifier that is associated with the address that is assigned to the specified line device.
TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus Queries the specified address for its current status.
TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID Retrieves the address identifier for the indicated call.
TSPI_lineGetCallInfo Returns detailed information about the specified call.
TSPI_lineGetCallStatus Returns the current status of the specified call.
TSPI_lineGetDevCaps Queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. The returned information is valid for every address on the line device.
TSPI_lineGetDevConfig Returns a data-structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line (service provider) and device class, giving the current configuration of a device that is associated one-to-one with the line device.
TSPI_lineGetExtensionID Returns the extension identifier that the service provider supports for the indicated line device.
TSPI_lineGetIcon Retrieves a service line device-specific icon to display to the user.
TSPI_lineGetID Returns a device identifier for the specified device class that is associated with the selected line, address, or call.
TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus Queries the specified open line device for its current status. The information that is returned is global to every address on the line.
TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs Retrieves the number of address identifiers that are supported on the indicated line.
TSPI_lineHold Places the specified call on hold.
TSPI_lineMakeCall Places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address.
TSPI_lineMonitorDigits Enables and disables the unbuffered detection of digits that are received on the call.
TSPI_lineMonitorMedia Enables and disables the detection of media modes on the specified call.
TSPI_lineMonitorTones This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion Returns the highest extension version number for this device under which the service provider can operate, given the range of possible extension versions.
TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion Returns the highest TSPI version for this device under which the service provider can operate, given the range of possible TSPI versions.
TSPI_lineOpen Opens the line device whose device identifier is given, and returns the handle of the service provider for the device.
TSPI_linePark This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_linePickup Picks up a call alerting at the specified destination address, and returns a call handle for the picked-up call.
TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference Prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party.
TSPI_lineRedirect Redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address.
TSPI_lineReleaseUserUserInfo Informs the service provider that the user-user information that is contained in the LINECALLINFO structure has been processed, and that subsequently received user-user information now can be written into that structure.
TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference Removes the specified call from the conference call to which it currently belongs. The remaining calls in the conference call are unaffected.
TSPI_lineSecureCall This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineSelectExtVersion This function is not supported in Windows CE.
TSPI_lineSendUserUserInfo Sends user-user information to the remote party on the specified call.
TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineSetCallParams Sets certain parameters for an existing call.
TSPI_lineSetCurrentLocation Is obsolete; TAPI called this function when the user (by using the Dialing Properties dialog box) or an application (by using the lineSetCurrentLocation function) changed the address translation location.
TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection Tells the service provider the new set of media modes to detect for the indicated line (replacing any previous set).
TSPI_lineSetDevConfig Sets the configuration of the line device.
TSPI_lineSetMediaControl This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineSetMediaMode Changes the media of the call as stored in the LINECALLINFO structure of the call.
TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages Enables TAPI to specify the notification messages that the service provider should generate for events that are related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses.
TSPI_lineSetTerminal Enables TAPI to specify the terminal to which information that is related to the specified line, address, or call should be routed.
TSPI_lineSetupConference Sets up a conference call for the addition of the third party.
TSPI_lineSetupTransfer Initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hdCall function.
TSPI_lineSwapHold Swaps the specified active call with the specified call on consultation hold.
TSPI_lineUncompleteCall This function is not called by TAPI.
TSPI_lineUnhold Retrieves the specified held call.
TSPI_lineUnpark This function is not called by TAPI.

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